Looking for an Android Head Unit for my Golf MK5.
One that looks like the RCD510/RNS510 please, as I'd like it to look close to stock/OEM design.
(Something like this: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/7-Inch-Car-DVD-GPS-RDS-Camera-VW-Amarok-Bettle-CADDY-EOS-GOLF-MK5-Android-4-4-2-/221629703076?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item339a2 8e3a4)
I'm aware there are many versions on ebay, but there are so many different models and the prices are a bit weird, where some are 300 and others are 600 but look exactly the same. So I'm testing my luck here on the forums.
Cheers guys
Ps; will pay shipping if in different state