Nevermind found them.
I've done the changes to add 10 colours to the led range but I did not keep the original codes for Blue white and yellow. I've tried a number of rgb codes for yellow and although on the main display looks fine, on the actual doors the colour is nowhere near yellow as it was originally.
If anyone can assist and give me the original Rgb codes would be very much appreciated!
Nevermind found them.
Care to share?
MY18 VW Passat Alltrack Wolfsburg Edition + Panoramic Sunroof + some extra goodies... (Pure White)
MY17 ŠKODA Superb 206TSI 4x4 + Sunroof + Tech Pack + Comfort Pack + some extra goodies... (Moon White)
If my notes are correct, the original RGB values are:
Yellow (255,198,0)
White (175,255,64)
Blue (32,255,200)