@gabbleguy: Hi.
Yes, it's real easy piling-on gratuitous "gotch-ya" comments about errors made by new-bees, but the truth is that ALL (i.e. everyone one of us) have been there - done that!! So lets just skip the forum power-games and get into solution mode !!
So -here's the thing about good diagnostic devices like OBD11 and VCDS, they have a memory function that records ALL and every change that you make with the device. OBD11 does stuff a little different - but both devices are ostensibly the same in that they also keep a record of the original coding value that is normally lost because it is over-written with the new coding value.
This means that you don't need to ask others how to fix this problem - because the actual information that you seek about what changes you made and what was the original setting are stored somewhere. In the case of OBD11, the history database sits in the VOLTAS-IT mother-ship in Lithuania and it's stored against your account. As an aside, for VCDS, the change database sits in the laptop (so different)
OK - how to access the information, I hear you ask?
Well it depends on which version OBD11 software you use - I will assume iOS version software in this case. So do this:
- Fire-up OBD11 software on your iPhone (no need to connect to the car/dongle)
- On the Home screen - Select the Garage tab on the lower left side of the screen
- Select the car if you have multiple vehicles registered against your OBD11 account
- On the car's information screen - scroll-down the list of options and select History
- The next screen contains the change database information AND records about every other action that you have selected with the OBD11 software (including SCANs and Back-up files and lots more)
- In order to make it easier to review a particular category of data records (like just the coding change history log), it's possible to filter the information and it's also possible to digitize these records and to send it to yourself via an email account - to do this, follow my visual instructions below:
After you receive the email attachment - open the contents of the file and look for changes made related to the dash screen and simply revert the setting to the stated "old value"
Good luck with your learning journey and try to make a few more errors - it's by far the best learning environment