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Thread: General Arteon Tips and Tricks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
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    General Arteon Tips and Tricks

    Here are a couple of tips that I've learned owning an Arteon/VW that may not be obvious to a new owner - despite 'reading' through the entire manual. Adding them here for easy/future reference.

    Fuel Cap Holder

    After owning VWs for the past 15+ years, I only recently learnt that there is a little holder built into the fuel flap hinge.

    General Arteon Tips and Tricks-20231212_102558-jpg General Arteon Tips and Tricks-20231212_102538-jpg

    Close Hatch from Driver's Seat

    After feeling frustrated about having to get out of the car to close the hatch, I decided to (re)RTFM and discovered it is indeed possible to close from the driver's seat. I had fiddled around with the button previously, but the key is to have the accessories on:

    1. Ensure engine is either running, or accessories are on (push start button without foot on brake)
    2. Lift the hatch button (above bass speaker in driver's door card) and hold for at least 2 seconds
    3. Hatch will start to close and will stop if you release the button

    I'll add more tips as I remember/discover them.. please add your own.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Sydney, NSW

    An old classic: hold down the unlock button on your remote to lower the windows and open the sunroof. Great before you get in when it has been a particularly hot day. Holding lock will close them up too.

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