Does this work on MY16 Passat?
Current: MY16 132TSI | Luxury | R-Line
MY14 C250 W205 | Command | Vision | Exclusive | Seat Comfort
MY13 A200 W176 | Command | Vision | Exclusive | Seat Comfort
Oh that looks sexy af! How do I change colours on my MY18?
What I did with obdeleven but it will only allow you to change colour, if you want the different dials or the balls in the Center of the AID then they are different adaptions (but a lot easier than colour change)
Central electronics
int light. 2nd generation
Instrumententafelbeleuchtung mehrfarbig - active
Interior light, light configuration
Ambientemenue mit alle zonen - active
I then reset the mmi by pressing and holding the on/off button for 10 seconds then went into car/settings then checked the "background lighting" button was in there, pressed it and checked it went on to a picture of the interior of the car, then
Central electronics
Interior light, light configuration
ambient_farbliste_Hmi - active
Then back to central electronics adaptions
Ambientelicht Farbliste
Rotwert Farbe 1:217
Gruenwert Farbe 1:221
Blauwert Farbe 1:235
Rotwert Farbe 2:169
Gruenwert Farbe 2:169
Blauwert Farbe 2:169
Rotwert Farbe 3:253
Gruenwert Farbe 3:108
Blauwert Farbe 3:55
Rotwert Farbe 4:242
Gruenwert Farbe 4:0
Blauwert Farbe 4:40
Rotwert Farbe 5:254
Gruenwert Farbe 5:88
Blauwert Farbe 5:240
Rotwert Farbe 6:124
Gruenwert Farbe 6:63
Blauwert Farbe 6:190
Rotwert Farbe 7:0
Gruenwert Farbe 7:102
Blauwert Farbe 7:255
Rotwert Farbe 8:0
Gruenwert Farbe 8:204
Blauwert Farbe 8:255
Rotwert Farbe 9:0
Gruenwert Farbe 9:204
Blauwert Farbe 9:0
Rotwert Farbe 10:136
Gruenwert Farbe 10:255
Blauwert Farbe 10:57
The I reset the mmi again
I’ve written it quite a few times now, I should really create a keyboard shortcut
who’s job?
Wowsers! Guess I’m sticking to fachortle... lol
I don’t even know what MMI or AID means.
MMI = multi media interface (radio in old skool)
AID = active info display (digital dashboard(speedo in old skool)
odbeleven is a obd dongle that you can read/change things in the ecu’s of the car, vcds is the same just a more established company
Last edited by Jap; 23-01-2018 at 10:53 PM.