Your thinking regarding change intervals is old fashioned and you need to stick with oil that has the correct VW approvals.
For that model it is probably VW 504.00 but even VW 502 is fine for 15k intervals (I've done UOA a few times and the oil reads like new) unless you meet one of the "severe service" criteria in the owners manual. The viscosity will be either 5w-30 in 504 or 502 or 5w-40 in 502.
If you have the metal drain plug then you can swap in a copper washer and anneal it at every change or replace the whole assembly (10 sump plugs are $16 on Aliexpress) or buy a magnetised plug and a dozen spare crush washers.
If you have the plastic plug then I'd change each time. They are only $5/5 units on Aliexpress
I'm at 205,000+km. Have generally been doing 15k intervals with a few 10k changes when I was doing a crazy amount of short trips and heavy traffic. My engine runs like a dream and uses around 200ml of oil between changes.