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5x100 'R' Replica Wheels
Detials: 5x100 R Replica Wheels, tyres RE002 215/35R18
Price: $600, Tyres are worth $200 each
Condition: Rims have gutter rash, decent amount of tread 2@85% 2@70%
DSX Spacers + Bolts
Details: DSX 5x100/5x112 12mm Spacers with extended bolts
Price: $50
Condition: Still works perfect
Last edited by LD_mart; 16-11-2019 at 04:37 AM.
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Interested in spacers
Still for sale?
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Still got the wheels by any chance?
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
Thread is a year and a half old.
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Haha bloody hell Fluxy, this is like the 3rd FS thread I've looked at thinking its recent, pm the sellers man your killing me.
2004 VW Bora 4motion | 3.2 Swapped - R32 Trimmings | BBS CH | Forever fixing this bitch
Very random bump on this thread. Moving houses and found these in the shed. Still in the same condition.
Spacers or the Wheels?