Hi there, I am selling my Alltrack and thus have no further use for my Micro-CAN cable.
This is it: Ross-Tech Store: VCDS License with Micro-CAN Unlimited VIN (most VW '05.5 to current)
Pricing: $220
New cost is A$340 + USA postage A$92 = A$432
Location: Bayside Melbourne
Postage: $10 for (trackable) Express Post (or Registered if you are not in Express coverage)
Contact: by PM, then I will provide my mobile and email for direct liaison
This is where you get the actual software download which is regularly updated:
Ross-Tech: VCDS: Downloads: Current Release and Manual
These are the vehicles that you can connect to:
Ross-Tech: Micro-CAN Interface
If you buy over this long weekend 12-14th March, I am very happy to help you connect to your own VW/Seat/Audi/Skoda if you come to my place
Last edited by robinb; 10-03-2016 at 03:56 PM.
PM sent - I will purchase.