Is this enabled for VIM?
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Location 4341 Qld
This is a very clean fully working unit with no marks or scratches. It's the LED C version with the * button. I have just had the original DVD M3.5 unit replaced with a new M5 ($150) due to problems reading some discs. It now works great!! From my research it seems a common prob.
Reason for sale, I picked up a nearly new P unit while I was waiting for the parts to arrive and be fitted.
Software up dated with files from this site.
HW 50 SW 5238 ( orig H50 SW 2840) maps V8 disc included. Will post to AU . Made March 2011. With code and new GPS aerial
Looking for $749 ONO
Photos here
Last edited by grw46; 23-10-2015 at 04:48 PM. Reason: add photos
Passat MY12.5 TDI.
Is this enabled for VIM?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No sorry it isn't but it seems it can be done Search RNS 510 vim modCheers
UP DATE because I updated to 5238 from the GPS underground site VIM is activated .
Last edited by grw46; 26-10-2015 at 01:43 PM.
Passat MY12.5 TDI.