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Thread: R32 Mk4 Genuine Exhaust w/quad tips modified to suit Bora 4motion / Golf

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Eastern Melbourne
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    Quote Originally Posted by beale187 View Post
    txt'd you earlier this morning - 1;35am Rub, late night mate.

    I think there's a bigger question in play here. If you're not putting on Seb's "Frankenstein" zhorst and you're removing the R32 one....
    What exactly are you putting back on Laura? Interesting....
    Lol yes welcome to my life!

    Just texted you back too. I'll try to get some pics of the exhaust on the car tomorrow morning - been raining here and the night goes dark before I get home. I should be able to get some pics of it attached to the car and then the whole exhaust once removed.

    As for Laura - she's going back to stock and going to be sold. She was a cool car but I've got myself a new project
    Quote Originally Posted by MightyCarMods
    I'd rather lose by a mile because I built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me. Your car is your story, so don't let someone else write the book.

    -| "Laura" - 2001 Bora 4-motion (now sold) |-

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Ah the plight of the car enthusiast, there's always another project! Npz mate put up pics / dimensions when we u can

    I'd be interested in anything else you may have as well just let me know. cheers,

    btw what's the new project?

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Penrith, NSW
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    hey mate, this still available?

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Sorry for the delay everyone - in a strange twist of fate this exhaust got badly damaged by the exhaust shop who removed it and been in negotiation with them to pay me for it. They've bought it off me so it's their problem now.

    Thanks for the interest.
    Quote Originally Posted by MightyCarMods
    I'd rather lose by a mile because I built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me. Your car is your story, so don't let someone else write the book.

    -| "Laura" - 2001 Bora 4-motion (now sold) |-

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