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Thread: Polo Gti 9N3 parts

  1. #31
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    PD 160 sold! Engine bay is empty now save for the AC hoses, and the dash is coming apart (to what extent I'm unsure of yet - hate dashes!) so if there's anything you can think of it doesn't hurt to ask!!

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by sambb View Post
    PD 160 sold! Engine bay is empty now save for the AC hoses, and the dash is coming apart (to what extent I'm unsure of yet - hate dashes!) so if there's anything you can think of it doesn't hurt to ask!!
    Sam, can you hang onto the gearstick mechaism and shifter cables for me please. I got a lot of play in mine somewhere and haven't had time to investigate yet.

    Feels like the stick end but its a mission to check..... Lack of time atm as well. Ta

  3. #33
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    Hey mate the ko3s still available?

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    Sam, can you hang onto the gearstick mechaism and shifter cables for me please. I got a lot of play in mine somewhere and haven't had time to investigate yet.

    Feels like the stick end but its a mission to check..... Lack of time atm as well. Ta
    Oh man sorry Gav. A couple of days ago I went to put my short shifter and modded gear stick onto the car to tide me over until I get the rebuilt box in and got a nasty surprise when I lifted the gear stick boot. There were teflon shavings everywhere and the pivot ball/socket at the base of the stick is split clean though on one side. I thought I'd erased it from the 1st post but prob not. So the spare one will be going up and in when I drop the exhaust. Sorry mate.

    I did this after I put my short shifter in a while back - might tide you over till you can get to the root of it:

  5. #35
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    Yep K03s still for sale. Its still running around on the new car though. Once the wreck gets dragged out of the garage and frees up a space for the new one then I'll be able to pull it out and sell. If I haven't heard from anyone else i'll contact you when its out. You in Syd?

  6. #36
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    Just wondering if the ECU is still available and if it was tuned by Gavin? Also I'm down in little NZ so would shipping be an option?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #37
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  8. #38
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    The way I understood it, I need to put my new cars immob chip into the stage 2 ECU it will now run with. The stage 1 ECU I'm selling can have either my old chip in it so the ECU will work right away sans immobiliser and their immobiliser chip can be swapped over at a later date OR the ECU sold without an immobiliser chip fitted so that the buyer can swap theirs in before installing it. Is that correct Gav?

  9. #39
    hi would you have a top grile for a gti polo can only ask thks

  10. #40
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    Yes I do but its not mint. If you're looking at it fitted to the car from the front, the top right tab that the torx screw goes through has been mangled. The red trim popped out too and maybe one or two of those tabs aren't perfect but it popped back in ok. If you're ok with a non mint one I can take some pics of it for you.

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