Hi I'm chasing a drivers door pull, not sure if this is the whole window control panel or not?
Also rear vision mirror clip - the bit on the window??
Maybe you have if not no drama!
I found the installation was pretty much plug and play. You need the CCM, a keyfob (you can buy off eBay, though make sure it's Aus spec frequency-wise 433-434MHz as I think the US runs on a different frequency), and the extra plug (helpful if the antenna wire is connected, but not essential as you can add the wire if need be). Even when I didn't have the antenna wire, I could open the car with the remote if I was close enough to it - ie. with just the CCM in place. I can't remember offhand, but I think you may also have to adapt the keyfob to the CCM: Program your VW Key FOB — deAutoKey
Can take some pics if that will help you. Cheers.
P.S. Postage and it's yours - grab yourself a keyfob and it's a pretty cheap experiment
Last edited by RolfGolf; 04-04-2014 at 03:21 PM.