Does rear parcel fit a 5door? What sizes are the momo steering wheels? Fits 5 door spline?
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Steering rack with connecting piece to column sold!
- Mk2 Golf GTI 16v, 2-door, Tornado Rot, BBS RS, 1988 - SOLD
- E30 325i Coupe, Manual, Alpinweiss
- E30 325i Touring, Manual, Diamantschwarz x 2
- On the lookout for another E30 325i Coupe, Manual (red would be nice)...
Does rear parcel fit a 5door? What sizes are the momo steering wheels? Fits 5 door spline?
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Got Turbo Inside
Hi Rutti,
Sorry about the late response. Parcel shelf I believe fits all models. Steering wheels are 320mm and 350mm dia. The boss kit is for a small spline (from what I understand big bumper spec have a larger spline adapter attached to the steering column which can be removed to make it small spline, if that makes sense?).
- Mk2 Golf GTI 16v, 2-door, Tornado Rot, BBS RS, 1988 - SOLD
- E30 325i Coupe, Manual, Alpinweiss
- E30 325i Touring, Manual, Diamantschwarz x 2
- On the lookout for another E30 325i Coupe, Manual (red would be nice)...