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well, it's not that, its the bezzel that goes around the radio and climate controls, the metal snaps have all just about broken off of their plastic melted holders due to being taken apart a few times now, they've since been glued however don't want to risk having one break off and losing it in the dash someplace lol. I have a problem with getting bored with radios haha, this will be my 3rd radio in 3 years of owning the car. well technically the 4th if you count the new in ans radio that's sitting on my floor at home. I just miss the USB playback as listening to the radio here can get rather repetitive, plus no GPS... yeah... what can I say
Last edited by kwalsh24; 02-10-2013 at 11:58 PM.
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Since the android mirroring won't be like they promised,can you talk to audiosources and tell them the unit should be $100 cheaper?because we are not getting what was promised . ..
The value of the unit is not the same as first valued
If you were buying a car for say $25000
And it came with power seats,windows, and air conditioning ...then when you were ready to pay they say "ohh the car doesn't come with air conditioning sorry"
The price of the car would be much less..
I wouldn't say 100, but it should be deducted from whatever the true cost of the module should be.
Another option is for the group buy individuals to receive a voucher to receive the module either free, or at a reduced cost for those who want it when it is released. This is a feature that I think we ALL want, so not only removing it from the initial build specs, but to then CHARGE us for it really has left a bad taste in my mouth.
even tho I badly want the unit, I have to agree with what people are saying about the android mirrioring. that's like buying something in eBay and only getting half of what's described in the auction
Well, for me what grabbed my eyes with this radio was the style screen it used. that was a selling factor ontop of everything else, if I did research and found another company selling a radio that offered similar features as what this radio claims to provide I might look into it if I don't get this unit by my road trip date.
still waiting to hear about us touareg owners.
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
Just a quick question. Will there be a usb plug to plug in a wifi dongle or 3G dongle for internet so that we get live traffic feed data? I was planning on using the android mirror function to just be the internet for that, but if I can plug in a 3G dongle it will be similar I guess.