I'm still waiting on the new firmware, I should get it early next week.
Audiosources has located the cause of the white screen fault, apparently one of the resistors on the motherboard did not like low temperatures. It's been fixed in the production unit. They are still investigating the memory and monsun.exe fault. It's a bit hard because the software engineer says he has not been able to replicate the problem. Also, monsun.exe is simply the SD playback program, so the fact that this program is crashing doesn't really help with tracking down the cause. Woweriux you said you can pretty much replicate it on demand, could you please explain how and if it's connected to a certain file / file type etc being played in SD mode?
In summary, if you get excessive noise / static in the BT interface or the white screen error, these are likely hardware faults. I need to confirm availability with Audiosources but you will be able to exchange your faulty unit for the final production units. I will cover half of the return shipping for international orders and all of the return shipping for local Australian orders. The replacement unit shipping will be free per the standard warranty.
TR 08 Golf GT TDI, Custom Code Phase 1, Milltek Exhaust, Whiteline RSB + ALK, APR Carbonio Intake