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Thread: Group Buy / EOI new generation DNS head units (RNS-510 alternative)

  1. #1381
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    Quote Originally Posted by DkN View Post
    I have done some preliminary edits on the spreadsheet - for one I think we need to separate bugs and features, so I have added a missing features sheet within the document, but I've left the original sheet as it was. I still need to compare the sheet properly with my own notes that I've made over time. I also have not been able to answer everyone's messages / emails yet so I will continue that tomorrow.

    For now the updated firmware can be found here:

    To flash the firmware you need a blank micro SD card. Start by extracting ONLY the file named "UPD" to the blank card (ensuring this is the first file copied onto the SD card). Then you can extract the rest into the same directory. Make sure all files are in the root directory, and that there are no folders.

    Make sure your unit is off. Insert the SD card into the GPS slot, then turn on the ignition and wait for the unit to turn on (or turn it on if it wasn't on before you pulled your keys out last time). Someone mentioned their unit was having trouble turning on - in that case unplug the radio fuse for a few seconds to fully reset the unit, then check that your unit can turn on, then do as above.

    If you did everything right you will see a screen with colourful text appearing. Wait a minute or two and it will proceed to a white screen with text in the middle saying something about "updating MPU". In another minute this will turn to "MPU update success, please reboot". The unit will boot itself in a few seconds if you don't do anything. Regardless, just turn off the unit (don't start it yet) after you see that message.

    Now, pull out the firmware SD from the GPS slot before starting the unit again. If you don't, it's not the end of the world, but the firmware flash process with the colourful text will start again from the beginning, and you have to wait for the full cycle to finish. If you start the unit without the firmware SD in the GPS slot, the unit will boot manually.

    After the unit is fully booted into the radio interface, insert the firmware SD again, and it will ask you if you want to update the MCU. Choose yes and the unit will begin updating. In a minute or two the update will be complete and the unit simply shuts itself down. At that point the update process is complete, simply take the update SD out.
    Sandy. A slight correction to the above. If you load all the files from your zip file on the SD card and run the process it will delete the MCU file after it runs the MPU update. You have to remove the SD card and delete all the files and add just the AS...mcu.hs file by itself and insert into the gps slot and reboot the unit. only then will it update the firmware. I know it worked only after this because my MCU file shows 1202_CAN
    To summarize (and Sandy this is from an earlier firmware upgrade email you sent):
    1) Extract the entire contents of the .zip file Sandy linked above.
    2) copy ONLY the UPD file to a blank SD Card. Do not include any of the files...just copy the one over by itself
    3) Go back and copy all the other files EXCEPT the A9_MCU_iap.hs file. This would include the logo.bmp,, NANDINFO, PQ.bin and xip.bin
    4) Insert this into your DNS while its powered off. Turn on DNS. You will get the colorful screen described above and picture same as kwalsh (and yes, the NAND error thing I get too...hasn't given me a problem)
    5) Let it go through the process and as Sandy said above it will eventually say MPU success and it will reboot automatically. Take out the SD card before it reboots.
    6) You should go through a screen touch calibration then it will boot to the radio.
    7) Take that SD Card and remove ALL the files on it and then copy over ONLY the A9_mcu_iap.hs.
    Put the SD card back in....unit can be on or off and I have had it work both ways...a) it will automatically pop a window up asking to update firmware....and b) nothing will happen and I simply turn off and on the DNS (with SD Card still in GPS slot). Then this pop up will come up. Say yes (or ok)
    9) Firmware will be updated.
    Last edited by swyner; 04-12-2013 at 11:44 AM.

  2. #1382
    Hmmm I'll have to try this, my unit said it updated in the info screen, maybe it only did half the update

    Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk

  3. #1383
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwalsh24 View Post
    Hmmm I'll have to try this, my unit said it updated in the info screen, maybe it only did half the update

    Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk
    It did half. Trust me. The MPU and probably BSP got updated but the firmware is that MCU file that will prompt a "firmware upgrade screen" different than the MPU "white" update screen. Hope this helps!! I haven't noticed anything different yet.

  4. #1384
    Yep that did update something mmore, as I never got that screen prior. Will see if anything is different. So far all seems the same with no additional settings

    Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk

  5. #1385
    Hmmm okay, bug found. Put my mfd to audio, and not it wont come off audio, even pulled the radio fuse and no go, likely will have to d/c the battery to maybe reset this.

    It is nice that the toggle switch ffor the mfd will change stations or tracks, give a point for that

    Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk
    Last edited by kwalsh24; 04-12-2013 at 12:40 PM.

  6. #1386
    Sandy can you make a list of which units and who is next on the list for the next batch? I was originally on the first batch list but then you changed it to the first come first served basis. If that is the case and my order hasn't come through since I am on the bottom of the heap now. I would like to withdraw my orders for both my units until the situation improves if that's alright with you.

  7. #1387
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    Quote Originally Posted by swyner View Post
    1) Extract the entire contents of the .zip file Sandy linked above.
    2) copy ONLY the UPD file to a blank SD Card. Do not include any of the files...just copy the one over by itself
    3) Go back and copy all the other files EXCEPT the A9_MCU_iap.hs file. This would include the logo.bmp,, NANDINFO, PQ.bin and xip.bin
    4) Insert this into your DNS while its powered off. Turn on DNS. You will get the colorful screen described above and picture same as kwalsh (and yes, the NAND error thing I get too...hasn't given me a problem)
    5) Let it go through the process and as Sandy said above it will eventually say MPU success and it will reboot automatically. Take out the SD card before it reboots.
    6) You should go through a screen touch calibration then it will boot to the radio.
    I dont get the colourful screen. I get a white screen with small black text that says MPU Updating(or something to that effect). The it says MPU updated with an elapsed time of xxx. Pls Reboot. Then it reboots. I also dont get the calibration screen. It just boots to the UI.

    Quote Originally Posted by swyner View Post
    7) Take that SD Card and remove ALL the files on it and then copy over ONLY the A9_mcu_iap.hs.
    Put the SD card back in....unit can be on or off and I have had it work both ways...a) it will automatically pop a window up asking to update firmware....and b) nothing will happen and I simply turn off and on the DNS (with SD Card still in GPS slot). Then this pop up will come up. Say yes (or ok)
    9) Firmware will be updated.
    I initially did it Sandy's way and all seemed to work fine. It did the MPU update then on the reboot it did the firmware flash. Could someone please list the correct revisions I should be seeing in the 'System Info' screen so we can know if it flash correctly or not.

  8. #1388
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    I don't get the colourful writing but i got the MPU updating white screen, then that finished it re-booted and i did the second part of the update, no issues.

    This is the info after the update:
    Mine: -MK5 Golf 2.0TDI[Deiselgeek sigma 6 shifter + H&R 50mm lowering springs + GTI Tartan interior + Audi 18x8 A6 wheels(Dark Steel)]
    -MK1 Golf The re-spray/re-build
    In the family: -MK5 Jetta 2.0TDI, -9N3 Polo TDI, -6R Polo TDI, -Mitsubishi S^$&box van
    A pattern seems to be forming...

  9. #1389
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    Updated mine pretty painlessly. Interestingly, polski, my unit has been updated to BSP MS9.D.

    Overall the unit seems much faster now, switched canbus on, and that side of it works... no slowdowns as such, yet, but time will tell.

    FLAC playback has been significantly speeded up, files load pretty instantaneously now, the gaps between songs is less than 1s now, and skipping through tracks seems much quicker (and now probably limited by card speed). Still no metadata though (it just lists the file name).

    Lots of minor issues still remain, though (particularly the not charging iPod on playback thing, which is just seriously frustrating, it makes the iPod playback feature basically pointless, SD tracks still mute on reverse, MFD is still 1 line (but I suspect that will be the last thing to get fixed)..... but at least it seems like the CANBUS slow down issue has been (possibly) fixed?
    MY10 Golf Mk6 103TDI DSG Candy White | Revo Stage 1 ECU Tune | 18" Talladegas | GTI Front/Rear/Exhaust | R LED Taillights | GTI Steering Wheel | VW Discover Media | Focal IFVW Front Speakers | Mk7 Climatronic Panel |

  10. #1390
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    Jan 2013

    According to a photo I took of the system info (when I first got the unit), my BSP shows as MS9.C - therefore polsk it doesn't appear your unit has updated correctly.

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