Personally, having TWO units tied up in this Schnozzle, I think that the group buy should cancelled with all monies refunded until production is ready.
I do feel sorry for those who decided to jump in early, but that's the risk you run when a product isn't ready, and are being treated as glorified guinea pigs but sadly it's becoming the DSG (DQ700) of group buys.
I also feel sorry and mean no disrespect to Sandy as he's been caught up in this mess and been let down by the people at Audiosources.
Whilst I believe it has a lot of potential, I think we've all jumped the gun on this one. 6 months since the first post and 118 pages (at least on tapatalk) of frustration, delays and broken promises. Although I'll keep it in mind when starting my MBA next year of what not to do.
I will wait to hear Sandy's response before deciding whether or not to continue with the group buy.
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2010 B6 Passat 125TDI Black, leather, RNS510, boringly comfortable