Bump not many left.
I have 20 brackets to sell first . these will allow you to mount the golf pop out badge RVC into your 6R Polo.
As these where the first batch and i didnt want to go to stupid to begin with i only got a small amount done. i planed to do more but i have had to go away for work so am unable to do more untill i return so some will need to be patient
install instructions can be found here
its been laser cut from 1.6mm galvinised steal. I had intended to have them powder coated but the cost per unit would have been to much. So you can do it your self or a coat of galv primer will do the job as the edges may get some surface rust as they are unprotected due to the cutting process. I have gone to every effort to make sure it will fit straight up with a little adjust ment to centre the badge, but as i have found the mounts can be a little different from car to car so if you cant get it centered then just drill the three screw holes out to the next size up for a little bit more movement. This will not affect the bracket clamping. If you tighten the screws evenly the badge will self centre pretty well and only need a tiny adjustment. do not tighten them to much as you will distort the bracket.
How to get one:
For Aus customers $40 posted express. UK Posted is $65 and will take two weeks (express is $60 alone not including bracket so makes it pointless) will have to get a quote for anyone else.
Do not post your interest on this thread. first 20 to PM will get them. If i reply with payment details then youve been one of the lucky
first 20. for those that miss out i will be returning home in november and if there is enought interest i will get more cut.
Last edited by LunchboxVRS; 08-09-2012 at 08:22 PM.
Any chance of getting one of these to the UK?
All out of brackets. Martin at audi upgrades has some left in kits but may sell them seperatly. Find him at Audi Upgrades: - Vorsprung durch Technik or look for his thread in the sponser area of the forum. if he runs out. i can run more but i have to do 10 minimum.