Brand: BBS
Model: RS 322
Genuine OEM / Replica: Genuine
Tyres: Yes, 205/45/R16, Bridgestone Potenza RE003
Pair / Set: Set
PCD: 5x100
Diameter / Width / Offset: 16x8j et42
Price: $1800 + postage, will entertain offers
Willing to Swap: No
Used, some gutter rash and marking to lips as per photos. They have been polished and had a buckle rolled out of one of the lips since I purchased them. Centers are near perfect, with a new small paint bubbles. Overall 7.5/10.
All 4 waffle caps (2 thin hexes, 2 fat hexes which I ran front/rear) included with BBS carbon fibre look caps. A full set of wheel bolts and 2 hub centric rings will be thrown in with them.
These have come off a Golf VR6 and they sat really nicely. Ready to go for anyone who is looking to upgrade to a nice set of wheels + tyres.
I can never work out how to post photos in sale threads, so follow this link to high res photos on Dropbox please.
PM if you're interested.
Bump! PM me with offers
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