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Thread: FREE: Mk4 golf 1.8T throttle body

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Illawarra, NSW

    FREE: Mk4 golf 1.8T throttle body

    I've had this sitting around for years - from memory I was doing some unrelated work on my golf at the time and then I decided to do throttle body adaptation and this failed adaptation with vagcom at the time. The car had been driving perfectly fine though. Anyway I didnt have time to have the car off the road so replaced it, but I held onto this as they were expensive at the time and I wasn't convinced anything was wrong with it.

    Old thread is here if you're interested in the details and there are a couple of pics in there. Unit is complete and clean but not sure if it works: Need a new throttle body?
    If anyone wants it to have a play around with it's yours for the cost of postage otherwise I'm going to toss it
    Previously owned 2001 Golf GTi. Sold to forum member

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Illawarra, NSW
    Thread Starter

    Has now gone to throttle body heaven
    Previously owned 2001 Golf GTi. Sold to forum member

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