We have 2 Britax Duo Plus Isofix car seats for sale.
Both were imported from the UK in 2012 as they were not available at the time at a cost of over $400 each.
Members will have seen discussions about import of Isofix seats and must make a decision if these are suitable for their use.
We have found them safe, easy to install and my child was comfortable. Both are in excellent condition with minimal wear and no damage but they could use a wash. No unmentionable events have occurred in either seat! They are no longer required.
Details can be found here. A top tether is recommended for Australian Isofix seats but is not supplied. We didn't use one. There are cheap and easily obtained.
$100 ea as is (take your pick or buy both if you choose). Pickup in Northcote Melbourne or I can arrange freight at buyer risk and expense.
Last edited by 2muchcoffeeman; 15-12-2016 at 05:09 PM.
CR Audi RS3
PW Golf 7 GTI