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Thread: Wind rush sound from center of dash

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Young NSW
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    Wind rush sound from center of dash

    Our new VW Tiguan Elegance was booked in for a complimentary first service at the selling dealer recently. The service was really just a general check over. When the vehicle was dropped off, we explicitly asked for a wind rush sound coming from the centre of the dash at speeds over 75kph plus be investigated. We were informed a piece of trim in the plenum area was misaligned and that was the issue. However, the noise is still 100% audible on the open road at any speed above 75kph. At the 100kph limit it is most noticeable, and very annoying. I have emailed the dealer with a "pointed" message expressing my disappointment but before I escalate it I am wondering if the brains trust has any theories.
    VW number 8 = 2020 Golf Alltrack Premium/Indium Grey Metallic/Leather seats with extra fruit. (Gone)
    VW number 9 = 2023 Tiguan Elegance 162 TSI White with Sound and Vision package

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Rowville, Victoria
    My wife's Elegance was a little similar but I narrowed it down to air not coming from one of the centre air vents. More air was coming from the vent on the RHD of the driver. It was most noticeable when the air-conditioning was on AUTO and the outside temperature higher. We normally have the aircon set at 21C and the fan increases speed with the outside temperature above 25C or more

    I had this looked at under warranty. It was found to be an arm had come adrift from a flap on the ducting under the dash. Possibly not assembled correctly at the factory.

    The dealer that did the warranty work is the local dealership even though the vehicle was purchased from a dealer 600km away

    Stick with it and hopefully it will get resolved without too much fuss.

    Unfortunately for you, I see you are located in regional NSW so the options of another dealership limit the speed to get it resolved.

    EDIT : spelling
    White MY23 Tiguan 147 TDI Elegance (mine)
    White MY21 Tiguan 147 TDI Elegance (wife)
    Gone - Wheat Beige MY07 Jetta TDI manual

  3. #3
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    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    BeigeJet, thanks for the information. I have cracked my whip and the dealer has been in contact with a plan to get the noise sorted. I will use your information as we go forward. Our recently traded Golf Alltrack was fairly silent, and it my be that I am just hearing differing aerodynamics at work. The Tiguan has a more upright windscreen and a different angle of attack into the wind. However, it may well be something to do with the aircon ducting. Apart from the annoying sound, which is below the threshold of the audio player, the Tiguan is great to drive.

    VW number 8 = 2020 Golf Alltrack Premium/Indium Grey Metallic/Leather seats with extra fruit. (Gone)
    VW number 9 = 2023 Tiguan Elegance 162 TSI White with Sound and Vision package

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Rowville, Victoria
    Good to hear the dealer has been in contact.

    I hope it gets sorted soon.

    By way of comparison our previous diesel Jetta MY06 was very noisy compared with the wife's Tiguan diesel MY21.

    And myself having come from a Land Rover Discovery Sport diesel that I thought was very quiet; my MY23 Tiguan diesel is positively silent.

    They are great drives especially the fuel tank range in the diesels on long trips.

    The strange thing is that even though our two are both diesels with the same DTUA engine code and only built 2 years apart, they use different grades of engine oil

    Wife's MY21 uses VW 508 509 0W20
    And my MY23 uses VW 504 507 5W30

    Happy motoring
    White MY23 Tiguan 147 TDI Elegance (mine)
    White MY21 Tiguan 147 TDI Elegance (wife)
    Gone - Wheat Beige MY07 Jetta TDI manual

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Rowville, Victoria
    Quote Originally Posted by jggolf View Post
    a wind rush sound coming from the centre of the dash at speeds over 75kph:
    Hey jggolf,

    Any updates on progress?
    White MY23 Tiguan 147 TDI Elegance (mine)
    White MY21 Tiguan 147 TDI Elegance (wife)
    Gone - Wheat Beige MY07 Jetta TDI manual

  6. #6
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    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    BeigeJet, an update. The Tiguan went back to the dealer after I caused a bit of a ruckus. The entire roof was console replaced as some of the interior trim was not fitting properly. That will fix it! The service manager came out for a drive and confirmed that there was defiantly a slight noise coming from the center of the dash. Prior to the car going back I had already worked out what could have been the cause. A slight rustle is coming from around the center dash speaker at speeds over 75kph. They were reluctant to pull the dash apart chasing the noise, in case that resulted in rattles and squeaks further down the track. Fair enough too. It's defiantly bleeding air under pressure at higher speeds from the ventilation ducting however it's very slight. You can just hear it with the radio off. The dealer has logged the issue under our service plan, and if it gets bad we have a leg to stand on under warranty. Before we went back to the dealer we bought a correct dash mat to suit the center speaker dash, And guess what? No noise!! The dash mat suppresses it, so as you can imagine it's a very minor issue. For the time being it just monitor it to see if it gets worse. It's annoying in a brand new vehicle, but its not stopping my wife and I from enjoying a great all-round car.

    Last edited by jggolf; 30-01-2024 at 09:06 AM.
    VW number 8 = 2020 Golf Alltrack Premium/Indium Grey Metallic/Leather seats with extra fruit. (Gone)
    VW number 9 = 2023 Tiguan Elegance 162 TSI White with Sound and Vision package

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Rowville, Victoria


    Good to hear the update.

    At least no major surgery on the Tig AND there is now a record in VWA's systems of your issue.

    Interesting that dash mat is suppressing the noise, you'll probably forget about the noise after a couple of months

    On a side note I drove through the Young district over the new year and wow how green the landscape appeared for this time of year. Normally its quite dry and golden coloured.
    White MY23 Tiguan 147 TDI Elegance (mine)
    White MY21 Tiguan 147 TDI Elegance (wife)
    Gone - Wheat Beige MY07 Jetta TDI manual

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