Should not need to do this on a brand new car with under 3000km
Should not need to do this on a brand new car with under 3000km
carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums
I picked it up as it arrived in Aus.
My Golf R wipers lasted 5 years before they had to be changed.
Going in for first check-up 5 weeks after purchase so will get them looked at.
Mine are fine, so I guess it's just some vehicles. should be fixed under warranty
On the way top VW for the 4 week check the wipers were not vibrating!!! Typical.
Told VW about it, they checked, windex'ed the screen and the problem does not seem to be there anymore.... Strange.
new cars won't ride here on the upper deck out in the weather.