Hi Everyone,
I picked up my new Tiguan 162TSI R-Line with DAP and Sunroof a few days ago and am very disappointed with the quality of the workmanship with respect to the slight but noticeable misalignment of body panels and trims across various parts of the vehicle, noticeable by both touch and also by eye, in some cases.
For example, the stainless steel metallic trims above the front and rear doors on both sides of the vehicle don't form a straight line, and are not only misaligned along the curve of the top of the windows, but also they are set at different depths. This to me doesn't look, and feel right, and is certainly not in keeping with VW quality that I expect. I have attached some photos of the defects.
After several managers at the dealership came to inspect it, their conclusion was that there is nothing that can be done as it is a robot assembled mass produced car, and not hand assembled. The other point they made is that if an attempt is made to re-align those panels, other symmetry in the body panel alignment will be thrown out. Anyhow, the sales consultant is going to provide me with the customer service contact number for VW Australia, but overall I am not satisfied at the overall build quality.
Has anyone else experienced similar quality issues with the panels on the new Tiguan? I am interested to hear if these anomalies are consistent across other Tiguans.
Looking forward to your comments and feedback.
