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Thread: USB Power For Phone

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTig View Post
    One of these monitors the battery and cuts off supply - Power Magic Pro (PMP) - BlackVue
    And one of theses may be even better

    BlackVue Power Magic Battery Pack (B-112) - Parking Mode Made Easy
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  2. #22
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    Thanks for all the suggestions, it is not much of a problem for me but for others it would be though they are less likely to not leave their phone in the car as I do. The only issue I strike is if the battery fully discharges I have to remember to turn it on or the battery gets recharged and the phone is not logged on to BT, again not too much of an issue for me but it would annoy everyone else so this is just a heads up so to speak.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTig View Post
    One of these monitors the battery and cuts off supply - Power Magic Pro (PMP) - BlackVue
    Yes I am looking into installing a blackvue 2 channel dash cam and had already thought one of these would be a good idea. They are reasonably priced in comparison to the back up battery option but obviously the back up battery wins hands down on off charge running times.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave9_3 View Post
    Yes I am looking into installing a blackvue 2 channel dash cam and had already thought one of these would be a good idea. They are reasonably priced in comparison to the back up battery option but obviously the back up battery wins hands down on off charge running times.
    If I was going to buy new cameras I would buy two Blackvue DR450 HD's a with the GPS modules.

    Why Because the rear camers on the 2 Ch models are only 720p and the 720p camera I had couldnt read number plates when used as a rear camera. I have a 500 and a 450 and have HD at both ends. Price would be still under $550.

    Or any other two cameras but not one with 2 Ch as they have constant trouble with them Go here and see

    BlackVue | DashCamTalk
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  5. #25
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    Interesting advice on the rear camera, I never thought about. Personally I'm running an new A119 in my Cab (where a rear camera isn't really an option anyway unless I have something mounted externally). The van is still running an old G1W, I've had to replace the battery and the mount (which was a suction cup that gave up the ghost and has been replaced with a hard mount), but otherwise it's still running in it's 1080p glory.

    Both were listed as best in class at the time I got them and both have proved to be good cameras so far. Better than a Blackvue? Who knows, but quality is great and price is much much less.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  6. #26
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    Thanks Hillbilly. I will have a read and then decide the best way to go. I had initially thought 2 channel would be more straight forward to wire. Can I run two separate cameras from one power magic pro?

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