Hi check and read this my post? http://www.vwwatercooled.com.au/forums/f238/have-i-received-lemon-tiguan-132t-again-dsg-old-problems-continue-volkswagen-119346.html?highlight=
and tell me if you experience similar with your Tiguan ? maybe is connected check and tell me if you experience the same after testing .
I had similar experience as you in ECO mode lose power when waiting on roundabout or while waiting on crossing .So I never use anymore in city with slow traffic ECO mode, even I like ECO mode most ,because engine run more quitter with Low RPM and save fuel .However I learned when in ECO mode driving city with lots frequent star /stop situation like waiting on intersections, roundabout, to be ready in advance and put car in sport mode by simple pulling gear shifter back in S mode (Sport) so car is more responsive . As is most time as turtle in this city slow start/stop drive situation and you can sometime press the pedal all the way and it file lagy and not responsive . As you notice this can be very dangers entering main roads as you lose sometime completely power for 1-2 Second like you didn't press gas pedal at all. This is bug and problem for VW same as is Clicking clunking Rattle DSG / Differential problem I noted in post above, which I detected on Tiguan .
I find at least for now using ECO only on High speed but not in busy city drive . even Normal D mode can be slow in this situation, but S mode is best, however high rpm and loud rev. engine and Petrol consumption on cost
Kind Regards