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Thread: Unresponsive accelerator in eco mode between e2 and e3 gears?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Unresponsive accelerator in eco mode between e2 and e3 gears?

    Hi all, have booked my Tiguan in for tomorrow at the dealer but wanted to see if anyone had thoughts or experience with an issue I’m experiencing:

    It seems to be getting worse that when I’m in eco mode in high traffic, the Tiguan will coast in gear e2 (saved breaking in stop start) and if I want to speed up there are significant moments where I have no response to the accelerator. Indeed yesterday I pumped the accelerator and had nothing. No power.

    No warning lights, the engine hasn’t cut out but I had zero response and nearly got rear ended as the car wasn’t moving. It was actually very scary to have a completely unresponsive car for a significant amount of time. ACC was deactivated.

    Anyone have any thoughts? I’m worried the dealer will brush me off.


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
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    Hi check and read this my post?
    and tell me if you experience similar with your Tiguan ? maybe is connected check and tell me if you experience the same after testing .
    I had similar experience as you in ECO mode lose power when waiting on roundabout or while waiting on crossing .So I never use anymore in city with slow traffic ECO mode, even I like ECO mode most ,because engine run more quitter with Low RPM and save fuel .However I learned when in ECO mode driving city with lots frequent star /stop situation like waiting on intersections, roundabout, to be ready in advance and put car in sport mode by simple pulling gear shifter back in S mode (Sport) so car is more responsive . As is most time as turtle in this city slow start/stop drive situation and you can sometime press the pedal all the way and it file lagy and not responsive . As you notice this can be very dangers entering main roads as you lose sometime completely power for 1-2 Second like you didn't press gas pedal at all. This is bug and problem for VW same as is Clicking clunking Rattle DSG / Differential problem I noted in post above, which I detected on Tiguan .
    I find at least for now using ECO only on High speed but not in busy city drive . even Normal D mode can be slow in this situation, but S mode is best, however high rpm and loud rev. engine and Petrol consumption on cost
    Kind Regards
    Last edited by cameleon72; 22-02-2018 at 12:37 PM.

  3. #3
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    Would prefer to keep these separate - have read your thread and I have no noises or issues you’ve outlined. Don’t want to get the two experiences muddled.

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  4. #4
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    I’ll give eco mode another try around the city over the next few days and let you know.

    I’ve used it on long haul with no issues and thought that was what it was designed for; low throttle response, short shifting the gears and coasting on long hills.
    Around town, I found the throttle and gearbox response too gutless in the city for stop-start and general traffic manoeuvring and coasting is usually overridden by engine braking.
    Perhaps it’s not appropriate to use in the city?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by spacemannz View Post
    I’ll give eco mode another try around the city over the next few days and let you know.

    I’ve used it on long haul with no issues and thought that was what it was designed for; low throttle response, short shifting the gears and coasting on long hills.
    Around town, I found the throttle and gearbox response too gutless in the city for stop-start and general traffic manoeuvring and coasting is usually overridden by engine braking.
    Perhaps it’s not appropriate to use in the city?
    Yeah I’m beginning to think that too. Whilst I know and appreciate the gear changes in eco are much more delayed, this is an actual complete lack of throttle response for up to 15 seconds (got stuck on tram tracks ugh!). Will see if diagnostics uncover anything tomorrow. I’m still loving the car and as it beds down it’s becoming better and better. This seems to be a unique issue so I’m hoping something is wrong, they identify it and fix it.

    If not, might need to test D in my daily city driving.

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  6. #6
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    I have not encountered throttle delays in Eco, certainly not 15 seconds which would be very noticeable. I can't see how Eco can be very practical in the metro areas as getting on the brakes cuts coasting which must be the biggest saver. In ACC it does the same thing, kills the coasting component so for me the jury is out but I have only used it last week to see what happens after having the car for a year.

  7. #7
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    I made half a dozen trips around the city in Eco mode today, no issues. Nothing weird.
    I hope the dealer sorts it out for you.
    Let us know how you get on - I’m sure it’s nothing serious but sounds like it needs attention.

    P.S. I won’t be making a habit of using Eco around the city. It’s boring as hell. I’d rather spend a few extra bucks on fuel and drive it like I stole it in S mode
    Last edited by spacemannz; 23-02-2018 at 05:30 PM.

  8. #8
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    I agree with spacemannz, I drove around today in E and had no issues with the car not responding. However, I'll never use it again as it luggs constantly (I live in the Hills district) which can't be good for the engine, and I think I was overtaken by a Mitsubishi Mirage at one point.

  9. #9
    I get that empty feeling when I try to accelerate out of a constant pace, power kicks in eventually when I put my foot down about a second later.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by OZROD View Post
    I agree with spacemannz, I drove around today in E and had no issues with the car not responding. However, I'll never use it again as it luggs constantly (I live in the Hills district) which can't be good for the engine, and I think I was overtaken by a Mitsubishi Mirage at one point.
    I drive in and out of Wollongong in Eco and never noticed a loss of power and that is a long hill but I am generally using ACC so I guess that just applies more throttle.

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