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tigger73 Yes this was certainly the... 28-09-2016,
10:41 PM

Greg Roles Yep spot on, they have the... 29-09-2016,
07:30 AM

Creampuff I too was waiting for 3... 29-09-2016,
04:10 PM

Greg Roles Thing is the dump pipes for... 12-11-2016,
02:00 PM

MiiLos Yes that was my thought... 11-02-2017,
08:36 PM

tigger73 Different tuners will tune... 12-02-2017,
08:18 AM

Reecemc Looking at doing the same... 08-03-2017,
11:37 AM

Frogasaursas Hey lads,
I've got a... 10-04-2017,
08:08 AM

Sharkie A Tiguan is not a car that... 13-04-2017,
01:31 PM

jaydeecee18 I have installed JB1 rev2 on... 13-04-2017,
10:41 PM

jaydeecee18 Yerp will do...
Sent... 14-04-2017,
03:09 PM

Sharkie The easiest way is for... 02-05-2017,
12:09 PM

sclyde2 just checked vw's... 02-05-2017,
01:53 PM

sclyde2 I suspect that people are... 04-05-2017,
10:46 AM

Delewin ABT have updated their web... 09-05-2017,
08:42 AM

tigger73 If anyone in Adelaide would... 09-05-2017,
04:47 PM

Delewin Hi Gladbach
I have been... 09-05-2017,
05:27 PM

tigger73 Lets keep it civil and on... 12-05-2017,
09:30 PM

gorey Great feedback, thanks... 15-05-2017,
07:57 AM

ewok666 Who has a stage 1 tune on... 03-02-2018,
09:25 PM

Dan_3MPS That sounds great!
After... 04-02-2018,
10:25 AM

Kachingg The drive home from the... 19-02-2018,
04:33 PM

Dan_3MPS I lasted 4 days with it.... 19-02-2018,
05:10 PM

NZ_GolfR The problem I have with the... 19-02-2018,
05:35 PM

Grugly Hi team,
Any ideas on... 19-02-2018,
06:20 PM

Transporter Keep it stock if you’re too... 19-02-2018,
10:51 PM

Transporter ...and as always, correct and... 20-02-2018,
06:43 AM

smarty what about an aftermarket... 20-02-2018,
08:41 AM

Dan_3MPS The only things I can think... 20-02-2018,
09:12 AM

Kachingg I have installed the revo... 20-02-2018,
12:50 PM

Dan_3MPS So...after a weekend with... 26-03-2018,
04:26 PM

Joegas Unichip say there’s is... 28-03-2018,
07:06 PM

Sharkie No piggyback is now... 29-03-2018,
08:38 AM

Dan_3MPS Interesting recent comments... 01-04-2018,
09:18 AM

mr black Interesting thread. It... 30-06-2018,
09:00 PM

blutopless2 had a MKV jetta years ago... 21-07-2020,
09:44 AM

tigger73 The other thing I would be... 17-08-2020,
01:35 PM
Tuning Discussion - 132TSI / 162TSI
Hi all,
I'm about to place an order but there is one thing that's unclear to me at the moment.
I've read on the forum that the only difference between 132 TSI and 162 TSI engines is the different state of tune.
Does it mean they are mechanically absolutely identical? No reinforced internals or other components etc etc.
I'm looking at just the engine, and its potential for tuning at this point. The idea would be to go for the 132 TSI and wait for warranty to run out, then modify.
Apologies if this has already been discussed elsewhere, and my lack of knowledge of VW engines!
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