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The videos and information available gave a hands off seamless impression of what it did or would do and not the reality Without proper educational videos and not sales promotion video as the Skoda one appears to be I don't think anyone could draw any other conclusion. You will also notice that real world experience from users is very scarce and just about non existent in any VW car even now. There has been no contributions apart from one from anyone who has used it for some reason, Skoda have had it for some time it should be noted. Without any real time experiences being put out there I don't see how expectations could be anything other than what they were. I expect seamless hands off controls management system in traffic at stop/start speeds, it isn't that so I am no longer interested as a priority but if it happens it happens.
There has been mammoth confusion and unintentional myth and BS created on this matter and ALG/LA because VW never did any proper education on the new generation of cars but they must have realised that owners needed more information, witness the number of videos that have been released in the last few months. Their own literature is misleading as the hand book on my car switches between ALG/LA terminology when it is clearly wrong, I know that now but not initially and this confusion needed sorting out, witness the threads surrounding that.
You are right though, our expectation has altered, what was yours initially?