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Adding to this fine summary;
It will not ask you to take over steering if you are below 60km and lanes are detected. I ran for about 10min in a queue on the M5 on the weekend without any warnings. I had a good chance to test it... had ACC set to 100km and ALG active. >60km, 12 second timeout was asking me to take over the steering. When I hit the tail of the queue, it braked automatically and TJA kicked in, bringing me to a complete stop when required and moving on again. If the stop was longer that 3sec, it would put ACC on standby, and as soon as I see the cars ahead moving, I hit resume and TJA takes over.
I hope that helps. It’s a shame that VW don’t show a special icon to signify TJA is active... the only clues are green ACC and green Lane Assist icons must both be lit, while under 60kph.
BTW mine is MY18... TJA enables in the factory.