My fear is your probably right, I can only hope. Isdon is going to do some vcds tweaks for me at some point, I might ask him to have a look through and have a play.
Hi Adz11
My gut feel is still negative as I think you need additional modules in the electronic control box. Better minds on this forum can provide more specific info.
Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Ordered: 2017 build date Tiguan 162 TSI Highline with DAP in Tungsten Silver and rear luggage tray. ETA: late April / Early May. I did not have to wait.I took delivery on 11 March 2017.
My fear is your probably right, I can only hope. Isdon is going to do some vcds tweaks for me at some point, I might ask him to have a look through and have a play.
Hi folks. I got the backup of my ACC module done will email those who request it. I have discovered an error in OBDEleven though. When I access long coding on the ACC module and try and change anything I get an “Something went wrong. Try again” error. Going into manual long coding allows me to change options but most of the descriptions are missing ie byte 7 shows only “...”. Only a few of the options in the long coding helper shows up in manual long coding. I am working with OBDEleven on this.
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Hugo are you confusing Cruise Control and Active Cruise Contol?
Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Ordered: 2017 build date Tiguan 162 TSI Highline with DAP in Tungsten Silver and rear luggage tray. ETA: late April / Early May. I did not have to wait.I took delivery on 11 March 2017.
Last edited by Hugo_nz; 26-08-2017 at 09:10 AM.
I had to register to answer this, ok I have a golf 7 facelift and I'm a Pom but don't hold that against me, I might be able to help, so I had the same problem as you (something went wrong), but in the central electronics, and the way I sorted it was clear the app data on the android, then load up obd11 and sign in, then it all worked again, also TJA was a option in one of the packs here in the UK, but my car didn't have it, but my Lane assist today (had tried before and it didn't work under a curtain speed) worked all the way down to a standstill, but my ACC stopped after my car had stopped for 3 seconds and I had to press the res button,
Hope this helps