Yes. It does mention that the vehicle will continue after a short stop.
It doesn't mention what happens if it's not a short stop.
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Post 56 does not fill the criteria at all. My car does what is in 56 and it is not TJA which restarts without driver intervention, the self steering I am not going to comment on except to say that it appears that the vehicle self steers. There is a Bosch video on YT showing this, it is not animated and shows it in real life though it is a few years old now.
I decided to refresh my information as there is a lot of new stuff to be found out there these days.
At about 30 seconds he presses the resume button....YouTube
A short stop is mentioned....YouTube
The Bosch video (Audi) showing a real drive, note the timed 15 seconds steering requirement does not appear to be active but it never appears to show a re-start and it is two years old. My perception from this video is that the driver does not do the re-start but I could be wrong.....YouTube
A more detailed explanation....YouTube
The last time I explored all this there were very few videos showing it and what it did and I can now see that my perception was wrong. My insistence that the vehicle is totally self steering is not correct though the Bosch video does not appear to show the same behaviour and the three second time out still appears to be active in at least one of the videos.
The best video of the lot I think.....YouTube
My apologies for my insistence that TJA was not in the 2018 cars, while I am not absolutely sure I do think it might be while all along VWA are saying it isn't. Unlike the Audi the VW gives no positive indication and has no extra control to activate it so has it gone a step further than the Audi in that it happens seamlessly? None of the videos to me answer all the questions concerning re-start time out etc, the car I drove would not re-start after any period at all and I questioned this at the time.
This is interesting as it talks about two minutes between steering inputs & three second restarts....Adaptive Cruise Control with Stop and Go
here's a good video from skoda
ŠKODA Superb – Traffic Jam Assist - ŠKODA Storyboard
I'll go along with that, so do we presume that TJA is in the latest cars, the dealers say so and VW says not or did according to my last conversation with them.