hi are they supposed to be plugged in?
When those two are plugged in, expect to get some errors in your coding. I haven't had time to resolve mine yet.
132TSI Tiguan Allspace
hi are they supposed to be plugged in?
Yes otherwise the cable at the back isn't connected to any gateway, or so i'm led to believe.
132TSI Tiguan Allspace
Thanks, i will check the wiring to make sure it runs to the back, that's good i don't need to run any wires to the front
yes i've connected them. Have some unresolved errors I haven't time to sort out, due to it.
132TSI Tiguan Allspace
after a drive i've found the Lane guidance / driver assist unavailable, unplugging the red plug on the trailer box, it becomes available again, anyone idea why this happens?
P.S if anyone wants the red wiring loom in the above picture you are welcome to it
Also remember to change 69-Trailer to region to australia - stops LED warning on dash
Managed to get it working missed a bit of code, this did the trick
Last edited by Broony; 14-12-2020 at 02:03 PM.
Tiguan 2017 R Line
Just had a Best Bars tow bar to my R Line Mk11 Tiguan (Wolfsberg) fitted. The bar fitted easily and all of the electrical connections as well. Found the Can Bus connection by removing the very small glove box on the drivers side. They are hidden behind a larger loom of wires and not easy to find. Used OBD11 to tell the system that a tow bar has been fitted. Problem - now I have a fault with the Drivers Assistance which says that the "Local Data Bus Received Malfunction Value". Fault code no U116B00. Using the OBD 11 Pro it tells me the fault has been cleared but it has not. Another fault appears within Module 13, Adaptive Cruise Control - Control Module incorrectly coded, Fault code No U101400. Again OBD11 clears it but it returns. Yet another fault arises from the Engine module - Data error value received - Fault code No U112300. Does anyone have any idea how to clear these faults using an OBD 11??
Which wiring loom did fit, also follow the coding i used above, i can send you mine but i am using VCDS, not sure about OBD11, it doesn't sound like the coding is correct? did you plug the canbus connectors together ?
Tiguan 2017 R Line