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Thread: Tiguan Towing

  1. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Why are you worried about a TARE weight Are you going to go away with an empty car. Kerb weight is an anything weight as well Do you actually know what is included in a Kerb weight for a VW Cos I dont .

    You are mistaken with your working out weights The correct way is you add the cars GVM (max legal loaded limit and the GTM Max legal limit on the wheels only of the Van

    So cars GVM 3200kg vans GTM 1500kg =4700kg as long as total is under your GCM and rear axle weight its all good.

    Also dont forget the Towball weight is part of the cars payload and is included in the GVM.

    In my case I had a LC 100ser and a 25ft 3000kg van with a ballweight of 300kg Car had 620kg payload
    SO fuel 145l -120kg ballweight 300kg Already at 420 kg Me an Mum 150 kg +570kg leaves 50 kg for anything else in the car.

    We were overloaded as had a fridge , a washing machine a box of tools extra spare tyre and usually 20lof diesel and 20L of water in the car
    Ok so how do i work out if i am under the maximum rear axle weight if i do not know what it is to begin with? Once in know what it is to start with, i can added up the weight of passengers / luggage / tow ball etc yeh?

    Or is the only way to truly know to go to a weigh bridge?

    Thanks for clarifying the maths - GVM of my car is 2490, Vans GTM is 1660, so total is 4150kg. The car has a max allowable of 4990kg so all good.

  2. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrbongosdrums View Post
    Ok so how do i work out if i am under the maximum rear axle weight if i do not know what it is to begin with? Once in know what it is to start with, i can added up the weight of passengers / luggage / tow ball etc yeh?

    Or is the only way to truly know to go to a weigh bridge?

    Thanks for clarifying the maths - GVM of my car is 2490, Vans GTM is 1660, so total is 4150kg. The car has a max allowable of 4990kg so all good.
    Read reply 128 in this thread ALL THE WEIGHTS FOR ALL MODELS are listed there by me Cant be bothered repeating myself for those who dont read through a thread .

    And no you cant do it like that because every time you reload the car it will be different unless everything is loaded identically and weighs the same
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  3. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrbongosdrums View Post
    Ok so how do i work out if i am under the maximum rear axle weight if i do not know what it is to begin with? Once in know what it is to start with, i can added up the weight of passengers / luggage / tow ball etc yeh?

    Or is the only way to truly know to go to a weigh bridge?

    Thanks for clarifying the maths - GVM of my car is 2490, Vans GTM is 1660, so total is 4150kg. The car has a max allowable of 4990kg so all good.
    Read reply 128 in this thread ALL THE WEIGHTS FOR ALL MODELS are listed there by me Cant be bothered repeating myself for those who dont read through a thread .

    And no you cant do it like that because every time you reload the car it will be different unless everything is loaded identically and weighs the same

    In those weights there is NONE at 4990
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

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