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Thread: Tiguan Sunroof

  1. #21
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    This is why you have a 5 year new car warranty. If there’s any problems they will get fixed.

    I was in 2 minds about the sunroof but my wife said we had to have it and now I’m so glad we did as it makes the cabin so open, bright and light.

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    2017 Tiguan Sportline - Tigger73's 162TSI Sportline

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  2. #22
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    Everyone is different My wife said no sunroof and I didnt want one either and so managed to buy one instantly as it seems no one had ordered one without
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youdotinmymirror View Post
    Most of Allspaces I see around have panoramic roof and I feel it’d be nice to have as it brightens up the interior especially with R-line package and kids would love it as well in the backseat. But I hear it’s different to the little sunroof on MK6 GTI so I found some information online - 6 Reasons to Avoid a Panoramic Sunroof – TopGearbox

    They all make sense and it even made me and my wife think over and we are leaning towards not getting it but still not 100% sure. We are now being told most of Allspaces come equipped with one in Australia and it is very rare to find one without it. Owners’ experiences here are all very positive and even in the poll on Vortex forum nil issues outnumber leaks and other problems.

    So I have a question, they say the rigidity and integrity of the car is not so much affected as they have to pass a test to prove it can bear 4 times the weight of the car on it and it depends on strong steel of ABC pillars and not the glass itself. Unlucky if your car rolls over and lands on the glass directly hitting an uneven surface or an object but what about if the car was hit from the back? Is there any chance that the glass will be moved or misaligned from twisted or impacted forces, even without realising it at the time causing all sorts of alignment and possibly leaking and breakage issues in the glass post accident. Like when you go over a speed hump or driving on a freeway at high speeds they just get cracked or exploded due to previous accidents.

    Maybe it’s too extreme but that might be one of the things to consider as well as drainage/leaks and sun shades issues like someone mentioned here - which I also came across a case of previous gen Tiguan that was not covered under warranty? Is it worth it to have one? With electric motor, rails and etc up there in the roof?..
    If you're rear-ended and it misaligns the structural framing around the sunroof, you'll have much bigger issues with the car than that.

    Someone can correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't the leak occur due to something related to the linear LED's in the 17/18 Allspace? I believe it's fixed now.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by PDMJO View Post
    If you're rear-ended and it misaligns the structural framing around the sunroof, you'll have much bigger issues with the car than that.

    Someone can correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't the leak occur due to something related to the linear LED's in the 17/18 Allspace? I believe it's fixed now.
    They removed them or the wiring because some leaked and caused heating up and nearly a fire apparently. In some they left the lights and removed the wires You also have to make sure you keep the drains clean as it isnt nice when your feet get a shower when a drain blocks as it runs down in front of the door
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    You also have to make sure you keep the drains clean as it isnt nice when your feet get a shower when a drain blocks as it runs down in front of the door
    Am loving the sunroof in my non-Allspace. Seems I need to read up on maintenance!

    I would have thought twice if carting a bunch of kids around, though, unless they can’t get hurt by, or damage the curtain when getting in and out. My kids are adults and live elsewhere now so not an issue.
    May 20 - Nov 19 MY20 Tiguan 162 TSI
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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    They removed them or the wiring because some leaked and caused heating up and nearly a fire apparently. In some they left the lights and removed the wires You also have to make sure you keep the drains clean as it isnt nice when your feet get a shower when a drain blocks as it runs down in front of the door
    Not quite accurate. They re-wired/replaced ‘things’ (I forget what now, sorry. I think connectors between main wires to 12v and the fly leads on the led modules) and the lights work as intended.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simonr23 View Post
    Not quite accurate. They re-wired/replaced ‘things’ (I forget what now, sorry. I think connectors between main wires to 12v and the fly leads on the led modules) and the lights work as intended.
    Perhaps I should have just said they were disabled for safety reasons. Some were able to be reconnected and some werent from what I have read on overseas forums
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simonr23 View Post
    Not quite accurate. They re-wired/replaced ‘things’ (I forget what now, sorry. I think connectors between main wires to 12v and the fly leads on the led modules) and the lights work as intended.
    So the ambient lighting works around pano roof now in MY20?

  9. #29
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    We decided to get the panoramic roof in the end as wife wants a brighter/airy cabin so much so that she wants to opt out of R Line package as it would create a stuffy environment for backseat passengers/kids.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youdotinmymirror View Post
    We decided to get the panoramic roof in the end as wife wants a brighter/airy cabin so much so that she wants to opt out of R Line package as it would create a stuffy environment for backseat passengers/kids.
    You can get an Rline with a sunroof
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

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