Googling mainly - but searching for the part number specifically.
I took the line that I could buy a second hand one with quite a few kays on it for perhaps $800 -1000, or new one was around the $2300 mark - so I tried to find a unit in the middle price wise that was as close to new as possible.
Last edited by davman; 26-08-2019 at 05:50 PM.
2019 MY19.5 Highline (R-Line, S&V, Sunroof)
Stage 3 - Etuners Motorsport - 228wkW, TCU Tune
G Revision IHI IS38, BMS Panel Filter, CTS Turbo Elbow, CTS Downpipe, Dogbone Insert
Dynamic Light Assist (OBD11), Eibach Pro Kit Suspension
VW Tiguan 162 TSI Highline w/ R-Line & DAP. Mods: OEM IS38 turbo, APR IS38 98 RON ECU tune, TVS Stage 2 + with custom TCU tune, APR Downpipe and resonator delete, APR turbo inlet, VWR turbo muffler delete, APR pendulum mount, APR dog bone insert, APR Open Pod Filter (MQB), RAMAIR intake tube, APR Red Ignition Coils, NGK R7437-9 Spark Plugs, DBA T3 slotted rotors front and T2 slotted rotors rear, ATE ceramic pads front and rear Vbox: 0-100 4.1s
Nah it just came today. It had been sitting in customs for a few weeks, and the tracking had said that it was still there, and then suddenly it arrived - and after a couple of hours all of the tracking updated. Interestingly I wasn't asked to pay duty or GST yet? Anyway that's another thread I suppose - customs experiences. Anyway I will probably start looking at install dates soon.
2019 MY19.5 Highline (R-Line, S&V, Sunroof)
Stage 3 - Etuners Motorsport - 228wkW, TCU Tune
G Revision IHI IS38, BMS Panel Filter, CTS Turbo Elbow, CTS Downpipe, Dogbone Insert
Dynamic Light Assist (OBD11), Eibach Pro Kit Suspension
Went and saw Gordie at Etuners Motorsport today and booked in for next week. I wanted him to check out the turbo that I bought firsthand, and he asked me a couple of times was I sure that it wasn't "brand new". I took a bit of a punt on getting it from overseas, but it appears to of paid off so far - fingers crossed.
Last edited by davman; 02-09-2019 at 02:26 PM.
2019 MY19.5 Highline (R-Line, S&V, Sunroof)
Stage 3 - Etuners Motorsport - 228wkW, TCU Tune
G Revision IHI IS38, BMS Panel Filter, CTS Turbo Elbow, CTS Downpipe, Dogbone Insert
Dynamic Light Assist (OBD11), Eibach Pro Kit Suspension
VW Tiguan 162 TSI Highline w/ R-Line & DAP. Mods: OEM IS38 turbo, APR IS38 98 RON ECU tune, TVS Stage 2 + with custom TCU tune, APR Downpipe and resonator delete, APR turbo inlet, VWR turbo muffler delete, APR pendulum mount, APR dog bone insert, APR Open Pod Filter (MQB), RAMAIR intake tube, APR Red Ignition Coils, NGK R7437-9 Spark Plugs, DBA T3 slotted rotors front and T2 slotted rotors rear, ATE ceramic pads front and rear Vbox: 0-100 4.1s
Yep - quite excited myself too, Drop off Thursday, Pick up this Friday.
So having a chat to Gordie has clarified a few things in regards to some mods that were possibly on the to do list.
From his perspective, there doesn't seem to be any justification for the Muffler Delete or Air Intake Mod for my build. He doesn't see any improvements on the dyno for these.
He did suggest that I put in the dog bone insert though - however even with this addition, and the way things have worked out, I am still bang on my $5K budget for the project, so I am pretty happy about that.
2019 MY19.5 Highline (R-Line, S&V, Sunroof)
Stage 3 - Etuners Motorsport - 228wkW, TCU Tune
G Revision IHI IS38, BMS Panel Filter, CTS Turbo Elbow, CTS Downpipe, Dogbone Insert
Dynamic Light Assist (OBD11), Eibach Pro Kit Suspension
2019 MY19.5 Highline (R-Line, S&V, Sunroof)
Stage 3 - Etuners Motorsport - 228wkW, TCU Tune
G Revision IHI IS38, BMS Panel Filter, CTS Turbo Elbow, CTS Downpipe, Dogbone Insert
Dynamic Light Assist (OBD11), Eibach Pro Kit Suspension