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Thread: thinking of a MY2019 Tig - questions

  1. #1
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    thinking of a MY2019 Tig - questions

    Currently considering the jump to a Tiguan but trying to build the ideal spec i (naturally) have some questions that my dealer is (naturally) unable to answer.

    First, the engine. How is the CZPA engine of the 2.0 TSI 132kw different to the CHHB of the 2.0 162kw (also found in MK7 Golf GTI)? Am I right to assume basically a bigger turbo like is12 vs is20 as in the case of 1.8T Golf vs GTI? Have there been any tuned CZPA's out there and if so what power levels are they seeing with a stage 1? Revo and APR don't list it in their product catalogues so not sure if they've released something for it yet.

    Also, when did that engine launch and where else is it being used? I get the impression it's rather new but I don't think it has ACT like the latest 1.4 TSI on offer? How does it do in terms of consumption? Is it closer to the 2.0 162kw or the 1.4 110kw?

    My second area of interest is the infotainment. Other than the 1.2" less, what else do you lose going with the Discover Nav compared to the Discover Pro? Is it a just a smaller screen with a smaller resolution or you lose other features like extra usb ports that go with it? I've read that on the Golf you can't have Maps showing in both the Active Info display and the main screen with the Discover unit but you can do that with the Pro, guess it's the same?

    Also, how do the 8 speakers of the Discover Pro system compare to Dynaudio's fidelity? Sound is a very important aspect for me and I have Dynaudio in my current car so if I went with the Discover unit I'd certainly add Dynaudio but if the speaker upgrade of Discover Pro is fairly good it might make the Pro option an easier one to check (and let Dynaudio out).


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Semaphore, SA
    All I’ll say is that if you want to tune it then you want to get the 162TSI.

    There’s nothing out there for the 132TSI as it’s not like the first gen Tig where the 132 was just a detuned version of the 162.

    This time around the 132TSI is a completely different motor with high compression ratio for greater efficiency. There’s no tuners that have touched these yet (a number of tunes already for the 162). And likelihood there won’t be any/many that will as the market for tuned 132TSI this will likely not be that big.

    The 162 will piggyback off all the developments for the Mk7 GTI so you’ll see things like intakes and other hardware bits you’ll be able to use but the 132 is starting from scratch so my bet is most of this won’t get off the ground unless you’re prepared to go full custom build/tune.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    2017 Tiguan Sportline - Tigger73's 162TSI Sportline

    2016 Scirocco R, stage 1, 205kwaw (sold) - Tigger73's Scirocco R Build
    2013 Tiguan 155TSI, stage 1, 144kwaw (sold) - Tigger73's 155TSI Build
    2011 Tiguan 125TSI, Stage 2+, 152kwaw (sold)
    - Tigger73's 125TSI Build

  3. #3
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    I'm afraid it has to be a 132tsi for a number of reasons: Where I'm based (not Australia) there is currently a campaign for the 132 that creates a price difference between a 132 and a 162 of a mind-blowing 13K AUD... yeap that's right. I estimate that's more money than I'd need to turn a stock 132kw tsi into a ~400kw big turbo freak all-together.

    Besides the campaign though I'm quite keen on jumping on the new gen3b Audi engine. I've read some more info about it today and I like the extra sophistication and efficiency over the previous gen3 engines. A new 132 engine tuned to say 170-180kw with a stage 1 or piggyback should be just the sweet spot for me with adequate grant when progress is needed and also quite economical when I want to take it easy (most of the time nowadays). As a matter of fact, a known piggyback company is soon to release their product for this engine and I'm sure more big name tuners are bound to follow as we'll probably be seeing this engine in several upcoming VAG cars (think Golf MK8, next gen A3 etc.) Not in urgent need to get a new car anyway so I could postpone this for a couple of months which with fabrication and delivery should mean a good 6months ahead.

    Is there any info on the infotainment differences? Still trying to figure out what I'd lose with the Discover unit over the Pro. Do you at least get one USB port? I keep my phone connected to AA almost all the time.

  4. #4
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    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by ringo View Post
    Is there any info on the infotainment differences? Still trying to figure out what I'd lose with the Discover unit over the Pro. Do you at least get one USB port? I keep my phone connected to AA almost all the time.
    I have both, pro in the Tig and standard in the golf. I don't notice any difference between the two units other than menu options available but am sure this is only due to the spec and model of the car.

    I'm sure the golf has two USB ports as well but I don't drive it that often and we don't generally need to phones running in that car. I guess the other thing you lose are the volume knobs.

    As for the maps displaying, it's hard to say as I believe the display and the pro unit are tied together in Australia generally as a combined option.

    I know I am going to be in the minority here but after taking a Wolfsburg for a spin just to hear dynaudio, I didn't think it was "that" amazing comparing it to the stock set up in the Tig with discover pro. But I'm no audio expert and am past the days of blasting hard trance and cruising the streets so maybe that's just me.

  5. #5
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    Thanks Grugly. I actually found out you keep the two USB ports even with standard Discover and to be honest I much prefer knobs over the all-digital approach of the Pro so I'll be going for standard Discover unit it seems.

    Another question that came up and probably applies to all variants: I'm confused with the boot space calculation. I see that it depends on the position of the rear seat bench but which value is which exactly? In the brochure it states 610lt but I have a suspicion that this value is the one when the bench is pushed fully forward like with minimum legroom. if that's right, what is the boot space capacity with the rear seats at their default position?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Melbourne, Victoria

    Quote Originally Posted by ringo View Post
    Another question that came up and probably applies to all variants: I'm confused with the boot space calculation. I see that it depends on the position of the rear seat bench but which value is which exactly? In the brochure it states 610lt but I have a suspicion that this value is the one when the bench is pushed fully forward like with minimum legroom. if that's right, what is the boot space capacity with the rear seats at their default position?
    I think that’s correct (615 with seat pushed forward). I’ve seen the boot capacity quoted as 522-615.

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