I get this too - sounds more like it is coming from the side mirrors / A-pillar to me. I'll be speaking to VW about it, but am not holding my breath that they will be able to do anything about it which is disappointing for an otherwise brilliant car
Hi all, overall love my new tig but one thing that's driving me crazy is wind noise — in particular at highway speeds. Have also tried adding hose to the door seals but didn't notice a difference. Seems to come through the roof/upper window seal area. Also seems far worse when there are some crosswinds, so wonder if it's linked to the roof rails.
Has anyone experimented with having Dynamat installed - in particular to the roof or doors - or sealing the bottom of the roof rails?
I get this too - sounds more like it is coming from the side mirrors / A-pillar to me. I'll be speaking to VW about it, but am not holding my breath that they will be able to do anything about it which is disappointing for an otherwise brilliant car
It is a noisy car over 100 kph.
The constant wind noise is around the A Pillar as AD mentioned.
It's one of the biggest set backs about the Tiguan.
2016 RS3. 2015 A4
I have the same problem...but mainly from the driver's side only which would tell me that it's more probably a door seal issue. Will get VW to check it at the next service but I don't have faith that the problem will be sorted out.
Problem is because vw has overpaid marketing you will never hear this issues and problems in video and online reviews, of course it has lots of noise coming inside cabin ! mostly i noticed is wind noise coming from mirrors is not seal problem , can be also wind from factory roof track as VW made hollow inside to save couple grams on aluminium (tidy ass German )so even little wind when speeding can come thru and make vining sound, the other big issue with noise is poor cabin insulation material used ,in boot insulation is no exist on the rear at all so most noise i noticed is coming from wheels as there is no insulation at all over wheels cabin chassis just carpet no layer of sound acoustic underlay ! So i was thinking long time to put some sound insulation especially above wheels on metal chassis from inside and outside, when i sit in my q3 2 year old i always want to cry how good audi q3 even basic 1.4 model which is cheaper and older has better insulation at least double less noise , tiguan is not worth so much money they which asking for! but has good design and practicality, still should never cost 60k car even for rline!
Agree with all the above — quesion is, short of selling the damn things, what can we do?
Problem is am i bit fussy when come to new cars and old school type regarding car design with unfortunately in past 10 years all manufactures went in wrong direction making new cars with low and small windows poor visibility to get better economy or modern design but been in those new car bring me to vomiting like you are seating in prison not in car dont even to note all-round safety visibility which does not exist, also long time been with vw since golf 3 and , have 4 car in family all VAG and all car i fixing my self so i am familiar with , reason I went Tiguan i like practicality huge windows and boxy style with nice rounded shape with lots of space , all car today are low ceiling front and back especially with small ugly windows poor rear visibility only tiguan had still decent size windows (still wish they could even make more bigger windows and lower door trims on this tiguan) included rear one with good visibility nice boxy shape but still mix of modern and retro practicality style ,but those poor quality issue VW made is really not understandable especially looking new tiguan price went up 15- 20 % or $15k more on Rline comparing to privous rline model for that huge increase money they could make better and proper underlay and car acoustic insulation ,but Vw want us to think tiguan are premium car but they are not by quality only by price ,price is almost now in territory of Audi but reality production finish and quality of material inside is not comparable i would even dare to say dont even mach internal quality finish of Skoda which is way cheaper. Will see how it goes if some aftermarket insulation install will help to reduce those cabin noise. I also like to hear comments if anyone try to remove factory roof rails and if is less noise after that , maybe is not mirrors only. If not sell it and maybe wait for new Audi q3 which should come next year and hope will be good alternative![]()
Last edited by cameleon72; 07-12-2017 at 09:43 AM.
Gee you guys are tough critics. I can’t say I have noticed the sound issues you are referring to. I will be giving my car a good run from Melbourne to Queensland next week so will be sure to listen out.
I don’t agree however that the Tiguan is over priced and in Audi territory. Audi prices have also increased with the Q5 a prime example. You also can’t compare a base level Audi to a fully loaded Tiguan. A fully loaded Tiguan is a lot of car.
The main differences between an Audi and a Tiguan is going to be the refinement of the interior. Costs have to be cut somewhere to keep at a particular price point.
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Why did they buy the Tiguan, when it’s so low quality and overpriced? I personally always roadtest the car that I’m buying making sure it suits and it’s what I want.![]()
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
I purchased because i liked design and practicality and because of the all great reviews bu.....it ''Car of the year'' thought buying ''Made in Germany Proven Quality'' ( now see most part inside is made in China and India but that we leave for some other time and thread I have lots of picture and internal parts documented now by doing some upgrades and retrofits). Some issues and problem you cant discover by 10-15minutes test driving ! ,while VW dealer seating next to you and talking constantly prising the car you want to buy . I have learned my lessens definitely will never again buy anymore just realised brand new model , before I test it good by borrowing it from friends or family. I would be always happy to pay any company $$$ for renting 1-2 day just realised new car model but unfortunately here in Sydney there is no such company's to offer this kind offer on New Germans cars , Hertz is only with some German and EU cars but usually it take them 1+ Year to get in sock latest car. I would be even happy to pay VW dealer if they offer to rent me for one 1-2 day new model test car, that would be great VW features but probably than again they would not able to cheat people and sell many cars as they do now![]()
Last edited by cameleon72; 07-12-2017 at 06:41 PM.