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Thread: What to check for before warranty ends?

  1. #1
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    Question What to check for before warranty ends?

    The Tiguan is going for its last service before the warranty ends in 4 weeks time.

    Can anyone with knowledge of what commonly fails on a Tiguan at the 5 year / 35k km range, outline what should be checked before the warranty ends in 4 weeks?

  2. #2
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    @FastMitch:wow- that's 7K km per year - is this car only driven by church on Sundays?

    My suggestion is that in the next 4xweeks - you make a SCAN of the car using a good diagnostic device and let the car itself tell you if it's healthy. The information is sitting in computer memory in the car and it just needs to be asked the question.

    Of course, you will need access to a diagnostic device for this purpose. If you don't own a diagnostic device, this forum has a "pimping service" that unites consenting members that have a diagnostic device with other forum members that require the service - see THIS

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #3
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    In addition to Don's suggestion above of scanning the cars electronics for anything it isn't happy with, id say from a mechanical perspective your main concerns would be:

    - waterpump/thermostat assembly. These religiously only last about 4-5 years before they start leaking. The cost of having a new one fitted is between $1.5-2k, so if yours is leaking then its definitely worth getting it replaced under warranty.

    - If you have any creaking or groaning in the front suspension (normally noticeable going in/out of slow speed driveways and going over speedbumps) then your strut tops and strut bearings on the front suspension will be needing to be replaced.

    - Check the filter screen for the Haldex pump. This little filter screen is not usually removed and cleaned by VW when the Haldex is serviced, but it gets clogged up and kills the Haldex pump. The Haldex pump is what sends power to the rear wheels when needed and is located where the rear differential is.

    - DSG mechatronic issues which plagued many Tiguans. Assuming that your car is a newer 2019-2020 model this may not apply, but this issue plagued a lot of 2017-2018 models. Gearbox in emergency mode Tiguan 2017
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    @FastMitch:wow- that's 7K km per year - is this car only driven by church on Sundays? make a SCAN of the car using a good diagnostic device
    Just the shops for groceries and school drop offs

    Thanks for the scanning suggestion, I will look to buy an OBD2 scanner this weekend.
    Is there any brand / model you would recommend?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    - waterpump/thermostat assembly. These religiously only last about 4-5 years before they start leaking. The cost of having a new one fitted is between $1.5-2k, so if yours is leaking then its definitely worth getting it replaced under warranty.

    - If you have any creaking or groaning in the front suspension (normally noticeable going in/out of slow speed driveways and going over speedbumps) then your strut tops and strut bearings on the front suspension will be needing to be replaced.

    - Check the filter screen for the Haldex pump. This little filter screen is not usually removed and cleaned by VW when the Haldex is serviced, but it gets clogged up and kills the Haldex pump. The Haldex pump is what sends power to the rear wheels when needed and is located where the rear differential is.

    - DSG mechatronic issues which plagued many Tiguans. Assuming that your car is a newer 2019-2020 model this may not apply, but this issue plagued a lot of 2017-2018 models. Gearbox in emergency mode Tiguan 2017
    Thanks Lucas, your recommendations are spot on and exactly what I was looking for

    - waterpump/thermostat assembly
    As its near its time for leaking (4-5 yrs), is there something I can say to VW that it needs to be checked as its leaking now?
    Do you know where its located so I can see if its leaking myself?

    - If you have any creaking or groaning in the front suspension
    I noticed this over the last 12 months when turning into my driveway that is overly creaks.
    Are the 'strut tops and strut bearings' covered under warranty?
    Do I just tell them its warn?
    Getting my tyres changed tomorrow, when its up on the hoist can I see it to take a photo?

    - Check the filter screen for the Haldex pump
    Do I just tell them it needs to be checked at the next service?

    - DSG mechatronic issues which plagued many Tiguans
    Unfortunately, I have already had mine fail and replaced at the 25k km mark
    Last edited by FastMitch; Yesterday at 12:24 PM.

  5. #5
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    Waterpump is at the front of the engine on the drivers side, underneath the inlet manifold and next to (well, behind) the alternator. Best way to check if its leaking is to jack the car up, take off the plastic undertray under the engine and look for pink chalky residue running down the front of the engine and onto the sump. Will be pretty obvious if it has been leaking. The pink chalky residue is the pink coolant after it has evaporated.

    Strut tops and strut bearings cannot be easily seen or inspected without removing them unfortunately.These parts may well be deemed "wear and tear" just like brake pads and tyres and not covered under warranty. Although it will probably vary from one dealer to another whether they acknowledge its a fault or not.

    Haldex filter. As far am i am aware, VW will not check or clean this filter. All the independend VW service specialists do check and clean it though, as they are well known to clog up and cost you a new Haldex pump. If you are taking the car to VW for servicing then I guess all you can do is ask and see if they will do it. I would want photo evidence though if it was me which I doubt VW will do for you. MIght be best to do it yourself.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

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