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Thread: Park Assist???

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Park Assist???

    Hi everyone,

    Have you ever tried to park your car into the bay or 90 degree? My Tiguan did not have this function except parallel assist. However on the Tiguan 's VW website, i ve seen this statement " ..Is it true or not? I ve asked the dealership manager about this but he said he will get back to me later on.. ..( dont know when )...Park Assist1

    Parking's a piece of cake

    Using sensors on either side of the front and rear bumpers, together with parking distance sensors front and rear, Park Assist actively helps you 90 degree park, back into a park and get in and out of a parallel park.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by theitchy View Post
    Hi everyone,

    Have you ever tried to park your car into the bay or 90 degree? My Tiguan did not have this function except parallel assist. However on the Tiguan 's VW website, i ve seen this statement " ..Is it true or not? I ve asked the dealership manager about this but he said he will get back to me later on.. ..( dont know when )...Park Assist1

    Parking's a piece of cake

    Using sensors on either side of the front and rear bumpers, together with parking distance sensors front and rear, Park Assist actively helps you 90 degree park, back into a park and get in and out of a parallel park.
    Don't you have to press the park assist button an extra time to switch for 90 degree parking?

    Sent from my SM-N910G using Tapatalk

  3. #3
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    I did but it seems does not work. Dealership manager made his confirmation to me about only kerbside parking available on Tiguan before i cited that VW advertised bay parking on its website as well that kept him shut for awhile with confusion then.......wait for answer ....haha

  4. #4
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    there are videos on youtube from VW germany that explains how it works

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunnynagi View Post
    there are videos on youtube from VW germany that explains how it works
    My dealer demonstrated it when I picked it up so should work fine.

  6. #6
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    The 90 deg park assist works in my Tiggy. Have tried it twice - it was a bit unnerving as it was trying to back into one at an awkward angle, but it worked perfectly.

  7. #7
    Parkassist is very sensitive on my Tiggy, and only works when it wants to.
    ABT Mk2 Tiguan - Fully Loaded

  8. #8
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    I've only tried Park Assist in a 90 deg parking bay once. It scanned the first free space and offered to do a 90 degree reverse park but I kept going forwards and then it scanned 2 empty 90 degree bays and offered to parallel park in them. The all-around cameras make parking so easy that I just haven't found the need for Park Assist.
    Tiguan Highline 162TSI | Indium Grey | DAP | MY18

  9. #9
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    Same here, Tiguan 132TSI comfortline with no DAP only has parallel assist parking working , there is definitely no 90 degree functions ;( VW cheating again , on my old Q3 2015 if you press twice parks assist button it change on display from Parallel to 90 Degree and vice versa , VW crippled definitely this function for some reason? I see there is option to activate in VCDS long coding when log to park assist module but when try to code it will not accept out of range functions so restricted error....( I don't know if require special security code those find on net for GOLF MK7 accept but seems does not work , for some reason even hardware is capable is only software coding restricted thing.

  10. #10
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    I tried to park the car into bay in my very first driving test, it did not detect or caculate any marking lines and spaces while im trying to let it perform 90 degree parking. After almost 8 months having this car with so many times succeeded in paralell parking, i never had ever can figured out how to make this car doing its 90 degree job. And recently, the front sensors shut down itself after few minutes snailing in M5 tunnel until it got out of tunnel..... time for sensors backed in operation varied depending on when it feel likes .... weird ....i will carry out more tests and records it down before the first service is due. Please share if you are encountering technical issues that happening with the new Tech Tiger .... thanks

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