Hi All,
With the new AID, what are the tweaks available by using VCDS/OBDEleven?
Saw a few thread that some of the tweaks does not working i.e. needle sweep.
Also do note that the new AID is not having awesome rpm/speed meter just like the old one. Golf R, GTi design etc.
Not really applicable as noting that some forumer mentioned that needle sweep is not working on AID2. Even the RPM/speed skin is not the same as AID1
What you can or cannot do is mainly discussed in those 2 forums plus some in the Audi forum ans yes its been said that you cant do the needle sweep in the mK2
The shape and placement of some things is totally different and in fact the whole thing is smaller than the MK1
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
Basically all I've been able to do in the way of OBD 11 tweaks is change the colour of the needles.
Is there something you're trying to change or just interested? The 2nd gen AID can be tweaked a lot as it is. And by tweaked I mean, views, placements, what you see etc.
MY19.5 Tiguan Highline with R-Line & Sound/Vision
This is the mk2 thread. The post said that on the mk2, colour sweep is all that he/she could change.
The other 3 posts explain where the mk1 plus covered...