Ive Had my Tiguan (White R-Line) now for 5 days, it was delivered to my home on Tuesday. So Ive had a chance to live with it awhile and I thought I would document my initial thoughts. I have posted in the "Towbar " thread for anyone keen to read it (who am I kidding... you're all going to read it

I absolutely love the color of the white ( I will post photos soon) I know it is personal preference but for me the white is very crisp and quite luxury looking. The Tig has a very chunky solid stance and sitting next to my wife's MK6 Golf look massive. The 20" wheels are amazing... I have setup my suspension in comfort mode and don't feel any of the jarring and thumps you normally get with a low profile tyre. Everyday road bump, ripples. pot holes and stuff are absorbed nicely by the electronic dampers and is really a comfortable ride.
Love the steering wheel and the DAP, am still a little confused about the green lines and white lines for lane assist, not sure a like to wrestle with the steering wheel on a merging lane if I dont indicate, not a fan of the stop/start system, although with the aircon on I find it doesn't really kick in? Absolutely HATE the speakers ( so harsh and screechy), Im getting new Morels fitted next week with all the appropriate deadening, front and back for $1500.... may get an amp at a later stage dependent on speaker volume...I know the clarirty will be so much better!!
Love the seating and especially seat height... I'm 56, and getting in an out where I just need to slide my arse across is perfect for old worn hips and knees.
Only done about 300K so far so am really nursing it...no mention anywhere of a 1000K service... first one is at 15K?? So have really tested it yet, but already know I will get a stage 1 tune ant some point.
Like the automatic rear door and the foot action works fine with just a shout kick in and back, although there is a little time lag to the point you think it didn't register and then you hear it operate.
that's my rambling thoughts so far... I will post some pics soon when the garage is empty of cars!