Hi Hillybilly
just wanted to let you know that the DLA instructions in your google doc is missing a step when compared to the Phonebooth instructions you posted here
I was using your google doc (thank you) and attempted the DLA steps 4 times and without this step got an error with cornering lights. Took me 40mins to figure out but was pumped when I managed to resolve!
MY09 MKV Golf R32 | Black Pearl | Recaros | Sunroof | RNS510 | Purchased Feb '10 | Sold Jul '17
MY19 MKII Tiguan Highline 162TSI | Indium Grey | S&V | Pano Roof | R-Line | Purchased Nov '18
OBDEleven for MY21 Tiguan Allspace R-Line
I have applied some tweaks to our Tiguan Allspace R-Line which is a MY21 model with MIB3 infotainment system.
There are no "apps" which are supported for this model - so you need a Pro license and need to use Long Coding or Adaptations to apply any change.
Note: any tweak with a security code requires you to have the bonnet unlatched to apply - you will receive a generic error message when using security if the bonnet is not unlatched/open.
Disable Overtaking on Right Prevention (Undertaking)
Allows ACC equipped RHD vehicles to overtake on the left side, which is blocked by default.
Rear DRLsAdaptive Cruise Control (Module 13)
Long Coding
New Value Deactivated
Security code 20103
This enables the rear lights to act as daytime running lights - it doesn't turn on dash lights etc. only rear DRLs. Tweak from here.
Now the rear lights are working the same as the DRL:s in the front and all the interior lighting works as from factory.Central Electronic (09) - Adaptation - Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9 - Lichtfunktion C 16 - Change to Tagfahrlicht (Original Value: nicht aktiv)
Central Electronic (09) - Adaptation - Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9 - Dimmerwert CD – Change to 127 (Original value 0)
Central Electronic (09) - Adaptation - Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3 - Lichtfunktion C 17 - Change to Tagfahrlicht (Original Value: nicht aktiv))
Central Electronic (09) - Adaptation – Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3 - Dimmerwert CD – Change to 127 (Original value 0)
Central Electronic (09) - Adaptation - Leuchte23SL HLC10 - Lichtfunktion C 23 - Change to Tagfahrlicht (Original Value: Original Value: nicht aktiv)
Central Electronic (09) - Adaptation - Leuchte23SL HLC10 - Dimmerwert CD – Change to 127 (Original value 0)
Central Electronic (09) - Adaptation - Leuchte24SL HRA65 - Lichtfunktion C 24 - Change to Tagfahrlicht (Original Value: nich aktiv)
Central Electronic (09) - Adaptation - Leuchte24SL HRA65 - Dimmerwert CD - Change to 127 (Original value 0)
Enable Adaptive Lane Guidance (Holds Vehicle in Centre of Lane)
Update: had to reboot the head unit and it is fully successful
This tweak will enable ALG, which holds the vehicle in the centre of the lane
Note: I can see this in the car settings and menu - reboot the head unit and it’s fully working with active info display showing white lines each side of the road which indicate it has locked in markingsSelect Module A5
Security Key: 20103
Change ‘Point_of_Intervention’ to 'early setting via menu'
This will now appear as a menu option under ‘Driver Assistance’
Nav nag screens don't work - the bits are already showing off at Byte 23 - maybe because it's MIB3 it's entirely different.
This tweak is meant to disable the safety warning which appears each time you turn the car on
Select 5F
Byte 23
Initial Disclaimer – Off
Legal Disclaimer – Off
Last edited by ds7ghss; 29-03-2021 at 07:33 PM.
Nice work and interesting that the bonnet has to be unlatched to apply the adaptions
did pre MY21 models also require this?
2018 Allspace 162TSI R Line
Is this one of the new update versions or the last of the original ones identical to the 2017-2020 and those are the same as I posted in the list of tweaks I have done
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
It’s an Allspace which is MY21 so it has a newer infotainment unit (MIB3) and adaptive lane guidance disabled as delivered. No customisation to key fobs either.
There’s NO “apps” showing as supported in OBDEleven for this model.
Your document doesn’t contain adaptive lane guidance, nor could I see rear DRLs without other lights active.
I have a 2020 R-line with dealer fitted towbar. When plugging anything in to trailer socket it disables side assist and rear criss traffic alert. This makes sense when towing a trailer but I am only connecting a bike rack with lights. If I don't plug in the trailer, side assist works fine with the bike loaded. I would like to be able to use side assist with bike rack plugged in. Is there any tweak to support this?
Can i ask if you have updated to try any of the "apps" in the document below?
I would dearly love to unlock the ambient colours and the lane assist wheel vibration along with the long coding you have been able to achieve.
EDIT: I did a bit of digging and found on the VWVORTEX forum the below.
Anyone using OBDEleven? | Page 10 | VW Vortex - Volkswagen Forum
Set ambient light color function: [WORKING]
(Security access 31347 is required)
1). On Select Control Module screen, click "Select"
2). Select “09-Cent. Elect.”
3). Select “Security Access - 16”, enter the access key: 31347, click "Do it!"
4). Select “Adaptation - 10”, click “Channel” list
5). Scroll down channel list and find the below 1 channel:
IDE09732-ENG133384-Interior light: light configuration-Ambient_Farbliste_HMI
( change “Stored value” {not active} to -> “New value” {active}, then click “Do it!” )
IDE09731-ENG125017-Int. light: 2nd generation-Instrumententafelbeleuchtung mehrfarbig
( change “Stored value” {not active} to -> “New value” {active}, then click “Do it!” )
6). Then you can go this web site (https://www.rapidtables.com/web/color/RGB_Color.html) to pick what you like color’s “R-G-B” value set as “new value” for the below channel (max 10 colors):
IDE*****-ENG******-Ambient light color list-Rotwert Farbe 1 (R)
IDE*****-ENG******-Ambient light color list-Gruenwert Farbe 1 (G)
IDE*****-ENG******-Ambient light color list-Blauwert Farbe 1 (B)
IDE*****-ENG******-LIN Ambient light color list-Rotwert_Farbe_1_lin (R)
IDE*****-ENG******-LIN Ambient light color list-Gruenwert_Farbe_1_lin (G)
IDE*****-ENG******-LIN Ambient light color list-Blauwert_Farbe_1_lin6 (B)
The above 6 channel for the 1st color, then you can set 2nd color with “*************Farbe 2”, and 3rd color with “***********Farbe 3”, ……, until to 10th color.
7). Last step, very very very important !!!
After this done, you need shut off the vehicle ignition power and waiting the digital cockpit screen totally off(nothing display), then turn the vehicle ignition on, turn on MIB unit, go “CAR” – “Setting” – “Ambient lighting”
@ds7ghss would you be willing to have a crack at it? I would happily play guinea pig if someone has an OBD11 in sydney, i have to order mine and wait for it to ship.Cheers Shiv
Last edited by Shibbs86; 09-06-2021 at 11:30 PM.
Sorry I borrowed the OBDEleven dongle and since sent it back to my mate interstate so can’t try it. I’m not sure about coloured ambient lighting as I though the hardware in the car had to support it and I don’t think the Allspace supports coloured ambient lighting, but I could be wrong