Simply put the Tiguan will not react to a stopped vehicle and though I have never studied the manual in this regard my son who drives our Mk7 Golf PP assures me this is the case and I certainly find it to be true like you have. I have had instances of where my Tiguan has simply not reacted to a slowing car and I decided that I was not brave enough to allow things to continue and braked to match the slow car then hit resume and normal operations were restored and both vehicles came to a stop.
My feelings about all this is that VW and car manufacturers need to up their game with education and familiarisation of these new generation cars because a few minutes of explanation at hand over is not sufficient. My son runs education nights every quarter for new owners at the dealer he works for to answer questions (not VW). On the night the owners are shown the service dept operation, given a power point and video run down on the features of the brand and questions are invited. A 400 page handbook as VW give us is certainly not acceptable and even if you were to read it all very few if any of us could absorb it and learn all the stuff it has in there. It is not region/market specific and has plenty of errors and superfluous information that just adds to the confusion because it doesn't need to be there so we have to wade through unnecessarily. I think a DVD is the least that should be used to show the cars features to new owners but that would cost money and all car companies are allergic to spending more than they have to.
TJA & ACC are prime examples of the education problem, I looked at YouTube VW & Skoda videos and presumed (wrongly as it turns out) that TJA was autonomous driving simply because the limits of time placed on Stop/Go and Active Lane Guidance were glossed over, no they weren't glossed over they were simply not mentioned and ignored in the the interests of marketing, never let the truth get in the way of a good story might be closer to the point. The few owners who also posted videos never made these points clear either which I now find strange when I think about it. Even now after all this time there is still confusion surrounding the whole thing and if VW had done the right thing you and I would not have to ask these type of questions and that is what annoys me most about the whole thing.
I will give them points for producing the series of videos on YT, its just a pity the whole user manual is not done by video. End of rant and thanks for reading. The scenarios you highlight in your post are the limits of a system not fully mature and still in the first stages of development. VW always preface their videos as being within the limits of the system or some such similar phrase which I suppose is fair enough it is just a pity they gloss over and ignore those limits.