Anyone in South Sydney, I'm happy to help with an install if you're not confident.
Same with VCDS tweaks.
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Based on IsDon's experience my money is with self installation.
We just have to accept a time and convenience penalty.
But in general I am happier with the outcome.
My 2 cents.
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Ordered: 2017 build date Tiguan 162 TSI Highline with DAP in Tungsten Silver and rear luggage tray. ETA: late April / Early May. I did not have to wait.I took delivery on 11 March 2017.
Anyone in South Sydney, I'm happy to help with an install if you're not confident.
Same with VCDS tweaks.
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thinkwareF770 +battery were installed by MC car security for $280. Nice job and MCcar put battery under front passenger seat and i dont see any running cable except a short run on windscreen. I ll post the photo later as a reference for anyone who want to put it on.
My OBD11 adapter arrived the other day and finally got a chance to have a little play. I have disabled the Stop/Start system just using the voltage method at this stage (might try the other way as well so I don't get the crossed out A symbol in the dash).
Also found that you can make some changes to the AID display. I have changed the Depiction to Option 3 which has changed the colouring to orange instead of blue (sorry not the best photos):
One cool thing with this display is the orange dots in the centre dance around when you switch display screen. Will see if I can take a video and upload.
There in another depiction option that changed the speedo and rev counter layout, will try switching to that and take some more photos. There was a forth option but couldn't tell any difference to that and the default option 1.
The next thing I want to try is getting the Traffic Info and Traffic Speed Sign recognition turned on but not sure if they will work here in NZ or not.
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Current Ride: 2019 CUPRA Ateca in Energy Blue with Bucket Seats
Here is a video I managed to record of the Active Info Diplay colour change, I would actually call the colour Gold now rather than Orange after seeing it a bit. One this I hadn't noticed when I first changed it was that it also changes the colour of the startup sequence:
Current Ride: 2019 CUPRA Ateca in Energy Blue with Bucket Seats
Awesome, thanks for the photos and the video. I don't really understand why they can't make this type of thing available via the standard menu system. It would be great to have some other colours/themes to choose from.
I also wish you could make the dials as small as they go in the Audi VC. I know you can make them a little bit smaller, but in the Audi you can make them much smaller again, leaving more room for the maps.
2017 Tiguan 162TSI Highline/R-Line
2017 Audi S3
I will do some more playing later and see what else can be done with it. There were 4 different depiction settings and I could only see differences between 3 of them but I didn't try all the different display screens on them so will try testing more.
There are lots of other settings under the Dashboard module that I haven't looked at yet so who knows what else can get changed yet.
Current Ride: 2019 CUPRA Ateca in Energy Blue with Bucket Seats
Lots of folk here getting interested in VCDS tweaks for their new Tiggy. - well if you want a complete list of Adaptation channels and their settings for the BCM (the module @ address hex09) download the MS Excel spread-sheet HERE (yes, the control module really does have 1,835 x adaptation channels!)
The information comes from an Aussie 2017 Tiguan Highline Rline (thanks VWYW)
The layout is self explanatory, but here's a pictorial explanation:
The picture shows my spread-sheet on the top and the admap for the BCM when opened in a text editor at the bottom.
How might you use the information? Well...... as I have been saying on another thread, there is a wealth of (almost) suitable tweaks for the new Tiggy from other MQB platform vehicles. However in some cases the Tiguan control modules have a superficial change to the name of some adaptation channels. These slight change in names can make finding an adaption channel quite difficult when you are attempting to implement the tweak.
So, before you go to the car - open MS Excel and load my spread sheet. Then use the search function to search for a portion of the adaptation channel name from the other MQB car instruction (I suggest that you use the rear part of the adaptation channel name - the "Child" part). If (when) you find the Child name on my spreadsheet, the cell to the left-side will tell you the Tiggy's name for the Parent channel. Use this adaptation channel identifier when you do the tweak
Last edited by DV52; 18-03-2017 at 06:18 PM.
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