They do and I don't know if things have changed but Oz never got them unless things have changed recently. The lights you have must have a much brighter high beam as well. I wonder if I can find a wrecked R Line in NZ...Do you know of any specific VW wreckers over there?
I agree. It’s ridiculous to have a top spec vehicle in your line but not have a feature that models further down the range do. After a few phone calls with a friend who is a dealer we got a tech that knew what we were talking about. He said to “put your lights on high beam and if an actuation light didn’t come up on the virtual dash it wasn’t installed or enabled”. My car is a Sept 18 build MY19 Wolfsburg.
Even that is incorrect advice. Sigh, dealers. It must be HQ giving them dud advice/training.
The only tell-tale is the ‘a’ inside the high beam icon. Even that can mean normal high beam assist(on/off auto mode) rather than dynamic assist.
Source- have allspace highline with factory fitted/enabled DLA.
Edit- just downloaded the Australian Tiguan, Wolfy Tiguan and allspace brochures.
Only allspace mentions dynamic light assist. Standard for highline and part of an option pack for Comfortline. It’s the 2nd line under ‘lighting’ heading on page 2 of the full specs.
This line is missing from both the SWB Tiguan brochures.
Last edited by Simonr23; 09-01-2019 at 02:59 PM.
The swb wolfy has the same lights as the Comfortline and highline versions. It’s brochure is just messed up. You have to go down to bottom of page4 of the brochure to get the full headlight specs.
All swb models have dynamic cornering lights, And the passive ones. This to me says that with the driver assist pack, you should be able to code in DLA. As having the passive cornering lamps is the one piece missing from the normal leds vs ‘mid’ leds.
I admit that I’m not 100% sure on this though. I’d need to see a DAP optioned allspace Comfortline next to one that isn’t now optioned.
Confirmed as correct. See petec’s post on page 60.
Last edited by Simonr23; 09-01-2019 at 03:16 PM.
Is it possible to re-activate the sunroof ambient lights via vcds/obdeleven?
My dealer is struggling. They’ve done the recall work(fuses) and when they did what they thought would reenable them(shouldn’t have ever been disabled according to their system...) nothing.
Cheers for any help.
I've tried this and keep getting error messages as well. I'm going to have another play around shortly. I'm taking about the DRL.
Last edited by Steve2010; 14-01-2019 at 09:52 AM. Reason: More to enter