Is there a VCDS mod that lets you have the oil temperature permanently in the cluster for a Tiguan with the DAP? I can change the view and bring it up but I'm wondering whether I can have it where the ambient temperature is.
Fantastic mod with the Golf R layout in active info cluster. Anyone know how this can be done with VCDS? I cant find the Tube_version adaptation chanel anywhere.
Is there a VCDS mod that lets you have the oil temperature permanently in the cluster for a Tiguan with the DAP? I can change the view and bring it up but I'm wondering whether I can have it where the ambient temperature is.
Is there any way of disabling the shown message on the Discover Pro at startup? Have to close out this warning message every time starting the Tiggy and driving me mad...
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Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.
Has anyone had any luck getting the below coding to work (from Hugo's Coding Thread)? My Tig tells me Function Not Available, but it could very well be user error.
2) New Discover Skin
Yup, my Discover now looks like the new generation headunits. This is particularly cool since the grid layout makes more sense, but I hate the glass screen on the new units. This gives the best of both worlds. There are a couple of options to choose from. This is option 5.
Process: 5F Information Control Unit -> Long Coding -> byte_17_Skinning -> Skin_5 (Default is Skin_1)