Low Acceleration Rattle
After fixing the CTS dumpipe vibration issue can now hear a rattling issue in the dashboard or engine bay at low acceleration between 1500rpm and 300rpm in 4/5th gear. I removed sunglasses, phone and anything else loose to see if it was the problem but isn't.
Has anyone else got this issue?
After doing some research the following could be the problem:
Loose fuel line under drivers side, cable tie
Rattle at gap between headliner and windscreen, near red dots
ODB1 port loose
Rear vision mirror cap
Wastegate rattle. Waste gate actuator rod issue needing a new clip. Apparently MK7 should not have this problem and the clip will not fit.
Tiguan Gen2 162TSI Etuners IS38 Stage 3 238.6 kw@4 wheels