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Thread: Locking of tiggy when leaving the vehicle by touching the door handle working intermi

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Locking of tiggy when leaving the vehicle by touching handle working intermittently

    As the heading reads I'm having trouble with the tiggy locking with a touch of the door handle, prefer not to pull keys out of my pocket.
    Thought it may be the battery in the key but it's the same with my wifes key also. Works about 50% of the time, am I doing the locking the door dance wrong half the time or is it faulty?
    Last edited by vwjay; 07-06-2020 at 08:23 AM. Reason: Spelling

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    It’s a circuit that we complete/short with our skin.
    I think dry cold skin is less successful than warm and or moisturised skin.
    I not ice the same thing. Normally I use the back of a finger as a quick/lazy way to do it. Sometimes I have to be more deliberate to have the door recognise my contact. I’d rather this that it false trigger from rain!

    Now starter buttons (on and off) having a 70% success rate- that’s annoying.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by vwjay View Post
    As the heading reads I'm having trouble with the tiggy locking with a touch of the door handle, prefer not to pull keys out of my pocket.
    Thought it may be the battery in the key but it's the same with my wifes key also. Works about 50% of the time, am I doing the locking the door dance wrong half the time or is it faulty?
    If you just touch it with one finger mine always works If I forget and have a finger over the top of the handle at the same time it wont lock.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  4. #4
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    I find the back of my hand (back of palm) works always. But it’s not just skin contact, I’ve also done it from time to time with my elbow (clothed)

  5. #5
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    Mine works pretty much all the time, but occasionally I have to be very deliberate. Can’t seem to replicate it when it happens.

    Quote Originally Posted by Simonr23 View Post
    I’d rather this that it false trigger from rain!
    What I do sometimes see is that when washing the car, if I have my keys in my pocket, I can lock/unlock the car just by using the hose (shower setting on trigger hose) on the door handle. Makes smile every time it happens for some reason
    2018 Allspace 162TSI R Line

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