Guys I just picked up my Tiguan yesterday. Top of the range, absolutely everything on it. This car cost me $64k right. My mums car, a 2014 BMW X5 that costs $137,000 and that's only a mid-range engine with a few options on it. Optional Dynamic LED Headlights with high beam assist. Optional Adaptive cruise control. Automatic parking which can be found on Tiguans, not standard on this huge X5. Optional Harman Kardon sound system. Optional Sunroof. Optional M Sport package with air suspension.
Basically......most of this stuff is available on the Tiguan also for only $64k. And you got everything you need.
The Tiguan drives amazing. It's gonna take me a bit to get used to the DSG cause my driveway is very steep and it still falls back regardless of the improvements they made. I used to have a DSG VW caddy for work. Now this is a Petrol DSG so it's different to what I was used to anyway.
The suspension in comfort beats my mums X5!!! My mums X5 in comfort fills like a boat on the sea

The Tiguan sits really well on the road in comfort. Sports mode....haven't tried yet. Owners manual says to go easy on the car first 1,500kms.
Will post some more thoughts as I drive it more. Yesterday was so overwhelming I can't even think straight. I'm at work now with the Amarok and my thoughts are in my garage with my Tiguan

ahhhh I love that car.
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